Reputation Top-10 [23 April 06]

Ronin Storm

Staff member
So, in discovering that the Dark One, Macca, has acquired two green blobs against his name I went and hit all the "oh my god, tell me it's not true" buttons. One of those buttons was "recalculate everyone's Reputation using the baseline of 0 (the default)".

People's scores have largely gone down a few points. Some early accounts have gone down considerably because they used different baselines. Unfortunately, that's the way it is, but at least it is a stable position from here on out.

Anyways, despite all my efforts to rid Macca of his evil Reputation, I have failed. :D

Here's the top-10 as of now:

  1. [up]8[/up] Macca
  2. [down]1[/down] Ronin Storm
  3. [up]4[/up] elDiablo
  4. [nochange]0[/nochange] Pestcontrol
  5. [nochange]0[/nochange] Nanor
  6. [down]3[/down] Haven
  7. [down]4[/down] Twisto
  8. [newentry]New![/newentry] Piacular
  9. [up]1[/up] Fi$hy
  10. [newentry]New![/newentry] Tetsuo Shima

Gratz to Macca and elDiablo on their meteoric climbs, and welcome to Piacular and Tetsuo Shima, in the table for the first time.

<evil>By the by, Macca has about fourteen billion Reputation more than the rest of you, so stop giving it to him and give it to me instead! :D</evil>


Its the Jedi mind tricks you have taught me, they work a treat - especially on Piacular. The force is weak with him xD.


New Member
Be very careful Macca..
Once you have hit the dizzy heights in the rep table, you will be ignored for about a month. Dont know why, but thats just the way it seems to be. :p