I was ever hopeful that, one day, I might retake the Rep-Whore crown so, from time to time, I take a scan at the rankings and live in hope.
And here's the current scores...

I can reveal that one needs a little over 1900 Reputation to make it into the top-10 these days, which is insane but there you go.
Still planning a replacement system. Still not out of planning for it.
And here's the current scores...
- Ronin Storm
- waterproofbob
- elDiablo
- thatbloke
- Nanor
- Tetsuo_Shima
- DocBot
- Haven
- Piacular
- KillCrazy
I can reveal that one needs a little over 1900 Reputation to make it into the top-10 these days, which is insane but there you go.
Still planning a replacement system. Still not out of planning for it.