Reputation Top-10 [Nov 2007]

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I was ever hopeful that, one day, I might retake the Rep-Whore crown so, from time to time, I take a scan at the rankings and live in hope.

And here's the current scores...

  1. Ronin Storm
  2. waterproofbob
  3. elDiablo
  4. thatbloke
  5. Nanor
  6. Tetsuo_Shima
  7. DocBot
  8. Haven
  9. Piacular
  10. KillCrazy


I can reveal that one needs a little over 1900 Reputation to make it into the top-10 these days, which is insane but there you go.

Still planning a replacement system. Still not out of planning for it. ;)


Junior Administrator
I'm just curious here as to how much rep do people actually have. Is this a number we are allowed to show. I'm not going to say in case it's not. But I'd be interested.
Also well done Ronin, I always felt bad being number one as mine was all for random rubbish where as your rep is all based on your continuing hard work on our behalf.
Hazaa for Ronin.


Super Moderator
Staff member
well bob from the very handy reputation part of the FAQ we learn that

A user gains 1 point of Reputation Power:
For every 180 days they have had an account with THN. ↑90 days
For every 200 posts. ↑100 posts
For every 25 Reputation. ↓15 Reputation
meaning that you would have 3 rep power points for days you have had an account, 6 for posts made and 172 for reputation.
meaning somewhere between 4300 and 4325 rep points for bob if my maths is correct and i have read the FAQ properly...


Junior Administrator
4600 at a rough guesstimate Ronin. which means u really have been busy of late. I'm on 4307 at the mo. I was aware there was a way of working out but its a hell of alot easier for people to just press the usercp button.


Super Moderator
Staff member
10 power for 5 years long service...
20 for over 4000 posts
185 for reputation

so somewhere between 4625 and 4650
bob was close


Junior Administrator
Staff member
I think I should get more rep or i will spend the server money MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAA *cough*


Junior Administrator
Hmm, tempted to give you negative rep for even suggesting that fury, but i feel that maybe a tad harsh!