Reputation - Upcoming Changes

Ronin Storm

Staff member

I've been reviewing the current Reputation system with the Mod and Admin Teams and after some back-and-forth we've agreed some changes. Here's the deal:

A user gains 1 point of Reputation Power:

  • For every 180 days they have had an account with THN. [up]90 days[/up]
  • For every 200 posts. [up]100 posts[/up]
  • For every 25 Reputation. [down]15 Reputation[/down]

Additionally, the restrictions would be that:

  • The giver must have at least 20 posts. [nochange]no change[/nochange]
  • The giver must have at least 5 Reputation. [up]3 Reputation[/up]
  • The giver can only give up to 4 awards or penalties in one day. [up]1 award/penalty per day[/up]
  • The giver cannot give an award or penalty to the same person twice unless they have also "hit" another 4 people in the meantime. [down]2 people[/down]

Note that these changes affect Reputation Power not Reputation directly.

There are a variety of reasons behind these changes. In short...

We want to empower people more for earning Reputation, but correspondingly we want to emphasise good posts, not necessarily prolific posts. I'm also going to take up [thread=1152]Gibsonfire's request[/thread] to carry forward join dates, where we have them, from our previous board... this could lead to immense power for individuals, so I've really toned down the impact of longevity here.

The alterations to the restrictions are to take into account that Reputation Power is going up across the board so a Reputation of 2 is no longer a good reflection of someone who has been introduced to the board properly. Also, I want people to be a little more free to give Reputation without it going mad -- I want a pat on the back to be meaningful, within the terms of the "Rep game", without being overly devalued by being available to everyone all the time.

Over all, I expect Reputation Powers to fall slightly, except for a small number of people who have both high Reputation and have been with THN for a long time. However, I believe that this will allow Reputation Power to be much more closely linked to Reputation, which in turn should be a partial reflection of how well a persons' contributions are received in THN.

I still see this Reputation business as something of a "game", just another thing to play with on the boards, but if the game stops being fun then we'll give it another poke and see what we can do to improve it. This is just the simplest set of changes to keep this fun.


Junior Administrator
As a suggestion, would it be possible to add something in your CP that shows who gave what rep? Sometimes people don't sign their comments so you dont know who gave you some rep...


Staff member
I think it's important that it stays hidden, especially in cases of negative rep. If the issuer wants to leave their name, they have the option.


In that case, maybe an idea is to make sure some comment is given. At the moment, I have 2 or 3 reps given to me that are blank :/ Its just confusing seeing a blank comment. This way, if a comment is given, the person getting rep can either see where they go wrong (when receiving bad rep) and change, or can see what people like (receiving good rep) and continue to do it.

Edit - forgot to say, fair enough on the other changes!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Echoing Big D a bit...

I think it's important that people are offered the opportunity to be anonymous in the Reputation system. I believe it promotes a more free offer of feedback. However, people are welcome to sign their Reputation hits if they wish (and some do all the time). I do and don't, and sometimes I just forget.

As for Reputation comments being required... currently I run a standing policy of removing all negative Reputation that has no comment (which is barely any) and any negative Reputation that isn't well justified. However, I have been looking at a modification to the Reputation system to change a little of the way it works, including requiring a comment in all circumstances.

I quite like the idea of requiring comments, but I'm trying to run these changes at a pace that feels "active but not mad". Perhaps next week? :D


Sounds good. Just an idea in general! Cheers for listening. \o/

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Right, I've updated all the accounts I have information for with their "original" join dates. Haven's I put back to the very beginning in 2001... :)

Please check the dates because it's a bit late to be doing this so I could easily have made mistakes.

The only one I know I've missed is Nanor because the old site doesn't have data for him for some reason. Let me know what you think it should be Nanor!