In Cryo Sleep
Due to him becoming famous for saying it and it being the best thing ever. I petition we change his title to "A Giant Egg!".
*Signs own Petition*
*Signs own Petition*
Wait hang on a second, I can make custom titles!
but I like the chocolate teapot
I think I haven't yet found Chocolate Teapot to have lost its amusement value, probably because I was there for the title-named incident.
As wielder of the power of Make It So (rather like Captain Picard), I'll muse on this but I think the Teapot is here to stay for now.
I think I haven't yet found Chocolate Teapot to have lost its amusement value, probably because I was there for the title-named incident.
As wielder of the power of Make It So (rather like Captain Picard), I'll muse on this but I think the Teapot is here to stay for now.
bob was being about as useful as a chocolate teapot but I can't remember what for, or why so ronin named him the chocolate teapot
Though he did kill everyone in the match afterwards and said "I think I proved a chocolate teapot can be quite useful"