[Request: Cosmetic] Currently Active Users/Most Ever Online


Junior Administrator
I'm sure it's just ne, and i doubt it particularly requires anything doing. but i've just noticed that the Currently active users bit seems a little confusing by stating the most users ever online was blah de blah, then the people who are currently online. To my limited brain I feel the users listed aught to be the users online, which is of course not what the box intends. Perhaps the text should go after the user listing?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: Currently Active Users/Most Ever Online

Yeah, actually, when I get to redoing the sidebar then I fully intend to muck about with that text. Personally, I think the "most ever users" should be down with the stats.


Junior Administrator
Re: Currently Active Users/Most Ever Online

hmm. Yeah never thought of that, that does actually make alot of sense