[Resolved] Mark all messages read


Junior Administrator
Maybe i just havn't seen this feature if so, please point it out then ignore me...

I use the new threads quite a bit, but as the forums are so busy, sometime if i'm away for a few days, I find the new threads get on top of me. It would be usefull to have an option to mark all threads as read which would allow the user to start looking at new threads from fresh!



Junior Administrator
Re: [Feature Request] Mark all messages read

If you are using the Blue2 theme, Click the Quick Links button at the top and a mark forums read option is the second one down :D

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: [Feature Request] Mark all messages read

In any theme there is an item in the top navigation called "Quick Links". Click that and you will see (either in a drop down or additional links) the "Mark Forums Read" option. That'll do what you wanted, I believe.


Junior Administrator
Re: [Feature Request] Mark all messages read

why indeed, so there is!!

and todays posts, which is also usefull!

tah ronin