[Review]: Quake IV


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The Demanding Gamer presents: Quake IV Review


For those of you that do not know what Quake 4 is. It is the fourth game in the popular sci-fi First-person-Shooter series known as Quake.
This is a game made by ID Software and Raven Software, published by Activision.
Quake IV pick's up where Quake II left off.

It is sometime in the mid-21st century.
You are Matthew Kane. A member of Earth Defense Force's, Rhino Squad.
Not long ago you had defeated the Strogg, an alien race, and thwarted their attempt to assault earth.
Now once more it is time for you to gear up and slay even more of them.

The Game:
The graphics are fairly impressive. The sound is great. The weapons are awesome.
It has a good storyline as well.

The only thing that bugged me was that the game itself was too short and you basically got told where to go all the time. If there were four doors. Only one of them could be opened at that time. If I was lucky, TWO of them were unlocked. But one would either lead into a hall with a locked door. Or I would find a -med pack- which I didn't need since they were scattered around every level. Literally all over the place.
To make it short: There were more med packs than ammo. And you lost less health than you expended ammo in total throughout the game.

About half-way through you get captured by the Strogg. Here is where you might wonder if you just lost the game, right?
WRONG. They perform some horrible experiments on you. You even get to see the whole thing through your character's eyes. So that is a major plus in my book.
When everything is done and they are ready to activate Strogg implants, marines bust in and blow things up. You get freed.
Here comes the cool part. You are now slightly taller than before. You look like a Strogg. And you run faster than before. You can now also read AND understand Strogg language. This is a first.

The last boss didn't put up much of a fight. Aim for the roof above the boss and he is down in not too long. (Rocket Launcher is a good one there)
The most of what caused things to take a little time were all the adds. Strogg forces pouring in all over the place.
All I had to do was shoot the ones closest to me and ignore the rest before focusing on the weak spot of the boss.

So. End-Game-wise. The last boss sucked.
The most fun I had in the game was actually when I got to use a hover tank or a walker and just shoot things down.

As a Quake Fan since quite some years back, it pains me to do this. But Quake IV gets 2.1 / 5
This because the last boss sucked and the game was a tad too short, plus the fact that the only thing that would make it quicker and easier to get through would have been gigantic neon signs saying "This Way to Completing The Mission".

The toughest boss in the game, imho, would be the giant fat rocket creep that stalks you for about three missions. Then keels over and dies from a few dussin rockets to the face :p

Here's hoping they make the next Quake longer and a bit tougher!