Rock Band 2 instruments for the UK

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Have I gone completely blind or were the Rock Band 2 instruments never released in the UK?

I decided that I'd wait to buy RB2 'til the updated instruments were available as my GH2 and GH3 guitars are dying... but as far as I can see they never arrived over here.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Maybe the answer is to buy GHWT and just use those instruments...? But then I still want another guitar. :p


Staff member
Up to you, of course, but I'm less than impressed with the GH drums.

The guitar is less an issue. Depends if you likely the clicky-clicky GH guitars or not. Also, the HD config stuff built into the RB one is great, but you may not need that.


Staff member
What's the "HD config stuff"? Maybe I just need to know what HD stands for in this case.
It automates the lag config (to compensate for the lag generally found in hi def TV/sound setups.)

Simply, a mic that you hold up to a speaker so it knows how much sound lag there is, and a camera you hold up to the screen for video lag.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
The most concrete information I have on RB2 instruments is from some random blog that indicates the instruments were possibly going to be available alongside the the Wii release on 24 April. Well, 'tis 26 April and still no sign. No whatsoever.

I think I give up. I was musing on picking up GH:WT as a game but I think I'll give the GH instruments a run anyhow and see if I agree with D on the drums.


In Cryo Sleep
Have to disagree with D on the drums, I have no problems with them, in fact, I find them to be quite responsive, and playing the drums is a refreshing twist than just playing the guitar all the time. Pop into a Game store some time, certain ones have WT set up, you could "try before you buy" as you were.


Staff member
No, you misunderstand. I'm talking RB2 drums vs. GHWT drums. The RB drums simply play better. More specifically, the GH drums seem to be designed to look good rather than play well.