Rock Band / Band Hero peripherals


Well-Known Member
Looking for the cheapest possible options on getting a drum kit (with cymbals) and a guitar. Also a second guitar for any guest visitors to our humble abode (for bass). Preferred platofrm PS3, though I have an xbox 360 as well.

Saw it was flogged cheaply on tesco and HMV in store last week, £50 or so. So now refuse to pay more, cos sick of having shit luck esp. after last LAN.


Staff member
I would have elD confirm how he purchased the stuff. You want the Rock Band 2 drums, which I believe come bundled with The Beatles for you guys. Cymbals will have to be purchased separately for that kit, but maybe hold off on them for now. The RB3 periphrals will definitely include a new set of cymbals. You'll probably want those, or at least enjoy the price drop on the old ones.


Staff member
I'd recommend against those drums. They're the RB1 set, and they're loud and annoying to play.


Staff member
That's probably your best option, unless you're willing to wait a couple months to see if they're releasing a new set with RB3 (which I would assume they are.)


Well-Known Member
Yeah saw that, think it's wiser to pay £7 more than trust some dude under 50 rating on ebay? Not sure :)

Looking at his reviews, he's sold several of the same item before and received 100% positive feedback about it. Could end up dodgy, but personally I'd go for it :p