#showtooltip Tricks of the Trade
/cast [target=focus,help] Tricks of the Trade
I used this macro myself once upon a time
but I never liked the fact that it doesnt work if you don't have a focus target, and whenever I want to use it on a fellow rogue I would have to change my focus target and then change back...
So I went and modified my TotT macro:
#showtooltip Tricks of the Trade
/cast [help] [target=focus,help,nodead] [target=targettarget,help] Tricks of the Trade
This macro is a one button solution for all those issues. It first attempts to cast TotT on my target and will do so if my target is a raid member. If my target is not in the raid, it will first check if a focus target exists, is alive and a raid member. If true, it will cast TotT on my focus target. False, it will cast TotT on the target of my target, most likely an offtank that just picked up the boss (my target) from the maintank who died seconds before.