

Well-Known Member
Scarshield Legion is an RPPvP realm, and whilst we are not a roleplaying guild, I know that there are a good few roleplayers among our ranks, and some people who like to dabble in it occasionally. To this end, I thought I'd do a few things to help roleplayers and potential roleplayers alike!

Guild Hall Channel

I have created an In-Character only chat channel that you can join by typing /join havenhall in-game.

For the sakes of roleplay and remaining in character, this channel "takes place" in a building in The Drag in Orgrimmar where we have established some guild headquarters. This building will be semi-disorganised at all times, with documents, maps, contracts, weapons, armour, and applications all over the place, complete with makeshift desks, hammocks and bunks.

For population... pretend the guild is much bigger than it is in terms of membership, and there's always prospective applicants waiting around (in fairness we *are* a big guild now).

Remember: in character ONLY. No smiley faces or similar emotes, no abbreviations of any kind, no textspeak, leetspeak, dudespeak or whatever. If you aren't going to be In Character, don't join the channel. I *will* punish people who go against this.

Guild RP backstory

I'm working on the posibility of an RP reason for the guild to exist, sensible suggestions would be very welcome!

Help with Roleplay and Lore

If people would like help with learning how to roleplay or improving their roleplay, by any means give me a shout in-game, or ask here. Also feel free to ask me questions about the Lore behind the Warcraft universe, I know far too much of the stuff (although I recommend that you also read this lot, as it's both very informative and -in my opinion - an interesting read).

A few basic pointers for roleplay (the first of which is also part of the rules of the realm, bear in mind):

- in the /say and /yell channels, stay In Character. This means do not use abbreviations, textspeak, leetspeak, text emotes (like :-> or something), and so on, and don't say anything that a character in the world would not say, or say things they couldn't possibly know
- don't spam anything, be it emotes or jumping; it pisses people off and disrupts RP events
- be careful about butting into other people's RP events, listen a while first to make sure you aren't going in over your depth or disrupting something in a way that will upset others

Also good is to try and develop a background for your character; things like characteristics and personality, events that have happened in their past to shape them, etc.

I've considered a stick thread for people to post character backgrounds in if people want to; I've certainly got a fair old backlog of story for Umbrator and Lithaella, and there'll be some for Syraneth as well before too long.

If there are any problems/questions/suggestions, go right ahead (unless they're anti-RP, I won't tolerate such posts).


Well-Known Member
Cool! Thanks Umbrator! If only I can remember to hop in the Havenhall channel!


Well-Known Member
A little thing I tried recently and love; the RP mod "flagRSP". Absolutely fantastic mod for RPers, it lets you give your character prefixes and suffixes to your name (example, a title and surname), a special descriptive title (example "Prime Monkey of The Haven" for soulhaven ;) ), and a character description of unlimited length. There's also status indicators that show if you're a hardcore RPer, beginner RPer, etc, and if you are currently In-character, Out-of-character, looking for RP, etc

Anyone who has this mod or certain very similar ones installed can see the information you set with this mod, and I've found that a lot of people have it.

If anyone uses this mod, I have a few recommendations:

1. Read and re-read what you type in it; spelling or grammatical errors can cause massive confusion for roleplay

2. In your character's description, don't put a history or backstory or suchlike; a decription of what your character looks like of what people would notice when they look at you would be good. For example, on my character Syraneth, her description mentions that she's noticably shorter than average. I would also suggest refraining from something called "godemoting"; for example, saying something like "In his eyes you see something that terrifies you"; godemoting is saying that someone else feels something when they haven't agreed to this, I've found some people getting quite annoyed at it

3. Don't assume that because you've got it on, that other people can or will read your descriptions; not everyone has the mod or a compatible one, and even those that do won't necessarily spare enough time to read it or read it in full.

Anyhoo, I would recommend this mod to anyone into or thinking about getting into Roleplay, as it can be quite fun and can help quite a bit. You can get it HERE


In Cryo Sleep
moved the initial information to the wiki for those that want it. This thread is not sticky anymore.