Roll call!


Well-Known Member
I've been having trouble keeping track of some people recently, what with some people taking short or long breaks, or coming back soon, or deactivating/reactivating accounts... and... well... all sorts of stuff.

Could anyone who's still around on the forums but not currently playing the game shout out here, and throw in an estimated return time, if you know one (or if indeed you are planning to return at all). Would also be good if anyone who's planning on taking a break soon could shout that out here as well.

Even if you've said in other threads, would be great to have it all collected here in one place where I can find it easily without getting mixed up and without having to go digging through older threads to set my facts straight.

Much appreciated, all!


Active Member
I'm reactivating as we speak, although my gametime will be limited by more exams coming (until the 22nd), GA beta (from sometime this month) and various summer events like trips to places and such (next month onwards).


In Cryo Sleep
Reactivated for a months trial, to see how it goes again.

Weel see after that. :)



New Member
I am no longer player, and have no intention of reactivating the account either :eek:

Meill - Ginnunga

not in the guild anymore with any of my chars, as I recall anyway.


Well-Known Member
I'm not in the game atm, and I can't see that changing anytime soon. Depends how massively bored of everything I get over the summer.


Would also be good if anyone who's planning on taking a break soon could shout that out here as well.

I will not be around from toward the end of June until mid-September. I may log on every now and then but I will be doing very little in terms of raiding/progression.

Stag/Wedding/China n' such


In Cryo Sleep
i won't be around much neither, i need to focus on the record now, and have quite some work to do now... i expect to return for occasional raiding by the start of july... until then i'll be mostly on my alt Qualka if online, only to lvl teh bizatch up.


In Cryo Sleep
got exams coming up next week, so i wont be very active till then. over the summer ill be out traveling 4 weeks and wont be online. weeks 28, 30, 31 and 32.


I'm going for a break soon, going to Spain for vacation and maybe Greece.
Do not really know the timetable yet but I will inform the time and length of my absence immediately when I know more.

Evil Emz

In Cryo Sleep
Me and vindicae transfered to other server. Dont think we will be back anyway. Hi by the way :)


Well-Known Member
Making a pally (currently lev 55), alongside solemn's pally. We can be a tank/healer combo but might need help getting certain gear to become "raidable" (though we will do it ourselves where possible).

Don't really intend to DPS on hunter in raids, unelss somehow you miraculously run short of DPS in which case poke me and if I'm available I'll come along.


In Cryo Sleep
Still deciding whether or not to come back, i enjoy having a lot of spare time, but as bored as i am i dont want to get sucked back into wasting my life idoling around on WoW waiting for the raids to happen only to have to leave because of my shitty connection.

Either that or ill just get back into the game, get bored and stressed with it as i often do and end up wasting another £10 for a month of game time ill barely use


In Cryo Sleep
Around whenever i can be, very busy RL at the mo.

Account expires in september, if i start to enjoy and play the game more, ile renew.


In Cryo Sleep
I am not playing at the moment, and I still don't know when it may be possible for me to return to the game, given my current activities.


New Member
My account is deactivated and with current situation at home it looks like i will not be returning for some time, del.