RP Event - The Ball



Hello Haven people! I bring word of a possible RP event to be happening some time in the semi-near future. It takes the form of a Formal ball to be held in Sunfury Spire, Silvermoon, and will be hosted by my sexy alt, Adalan. More (vague) information can be found here, but basically the idea is for everyone to get dressed up and enjoy a formal party. Tuxedos for the men, ballgowns for the women, that sort of thing.

At the moment, I haven't set a time or date, because I'm still trying to fish around for interest among the various guilds and other folks of the horde, you know? So, the question I put to you fine people is this: Would you be interested in coming along to such an event? Would you be keen to dress fancy, talk fancy, act fancy and dance fancy?

Now, I know the Haven isn't a strict RP guild, but as I understand it you have a number of RP'ers within your number, right? So, just bear in mind that this would be a proper RP event, so all guests would be expected to behave in-character at all times. That said, we would love for you guys to come along, and just so I can get a measure of who's up for this sort of thing, can you please make vaguely ye/nay sounds either here or on the thread in the official SSL forum, please please please?

Wub yoo!


Well-Known Member
...I now have ideas of a troll with a thick accent attempting to speak in a posh fashion. Awesome.

I'll turn up with Lithaella or Syraneth if I can. Both have some decent dress outfits that I've compiled over time. Sounds like it could be great fun :)

Just give a shout when there's some sort of set date (in-game or on the forums, either is good)


New Member
Vonya will definatly make an appearance, just need to find decent robes that would suit her quiet yet straight to-the-point attitude


Okay! So!

We need a date and time, right?

Here's one: Sunday 10th February. Or 10/02/08 in the old money. In context this is the FIRST day of the Valentine's event, the LAST day of the Terokkar Darkmoon Faire and the, er, sixth day of the Lunar Festival. More importantly, I'm going to guess that this is the day when people are less likely to be either raiding or going out in real life. I could be wrong about this. I need feedback, you know? Who does this work for, and more importantly, who does it not work for?

Oh, and the time. 9:00pm server time? That okay? (That's 8:00pm UK time)

To look at the events calendar click here:



Well-Known Member
8pm UK time... hmm... that -might- be doable. We sometimes raid on Sundays, but I for one would be willing to drop out of a single day of raiding for a decent RP event. Barring unforseen circumstances, count me there. I'd be coming with Umbrator (have to see if I still have the old Tux somewhere)



(( seen on notices in Silvermoon City, Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff and the Undercity ))

To all the noble members of the Horde, greetings.

By the kind and gracious permission of his excellency, Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron, this Saturday 9th February at 9:00pm the Sunfury Spire, palace of the kings of Quel'Thalas in the city of Silvermoon, shall play host to the first annual Sunfury Ball, an occasion to celebrate the freedom and unity of all the races of the Horde.

The event will be hosted by the noble Adalan Odesterai, formally of the Dawning Lane Players.

Invitations have been sent to guilds and individuals of note, however ALL members of the Horde are welcomed to attend, no matter their race or occupation.

This is a formal occasion, and as such all guests are required to wear formal evening wear to the occasion. Weapons and armour are STRICTLY forbidden.

Please contact Adalan Odesterai if further information is needed.


So, here we go. Date is set, invitations are out, no turning back. I do, however, need to stress two things:

First: you do NOT need an invite to come along. I've sent invitations primarily as a way of promoting awareness of the event, not to single out certain guilds and people to attend. If you have an alt who you'd rather bring along, please, please do.

Second, I really do mean it about the dress code. For men, as in real life, this is quite easy - get someone to make you a tuxedo (tailors, this is your chance to make a bit of extra cash by producing them). As an emergency alternative to a tux, remember that the lunar festival will be on by then, and the black pantsuit is an acceptable substitute. For women, have a look under armor -> cloth -> chest in the auction house, and browse the robes until you find something sexy. I know the... rougher... members of the horde might be reluctant to climb out of their full plate and into something nice for once, but please bear in mind: this is a formal.

Third, (yes, third) This is an RP event. That means you're in-character at all times. AT ALL TIMES. Anyone found to be speaking in /s out of character will be politely asked to stop, and talk IC. Distruptive OOC speak will be reported.


New Member
already got my formal dress ready, even if I do have to wear armour under it to conserve slot spaces...


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahoy, :)


For those of you not paying attention, few of you as that may be, this event was moved to today...

I know you folks have Kara tonight, but since there's only two bosses left, I'm hoping y'all will make it...? :)



New Member
bollox, that means I cannot attend -.-

I have work 3pm-11pm, so I cannot do the ball at all tonight...