Well-Known Member
Okay, we've finished ZG raiding for a bit (not exactly on the highest note...), and we're now moving on to the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (aka AQ20).
For those that have not run it, this instance has harder trash mobs than Zul'gurub, but fewer of them, and the bosses can be a little bit easier (some of them a nicely scripted battles which rely on your surviving more than fighting, like with Buru the Gorger).
No attunement is required for this instance, and there are some very nice pieces of kit you can get from it, pieces which can be really good even now (hell, I'm still wearing a piece of ZG kit now and woulodn't mind one or two pieces of the AQ kit).
At the moment the php raid calendar is bugging on me, but provisionally I'm going to say that there'll be a venture into the Ruins on Tuesday evening.
As before, we'll try at least a week of running AQ20, maybe a couple of weeks, and the runs will be predominately Haven guild runs, however we may take Archangels of Damnation and Ashen Order members with us.
For those that have not run it, this instance has harder trash mobs than Zul'gurub, but fewer of them, and the bosses can be a little bit easier (some of them a nicely scripted battles which rely on your surviving more than fighting, like with Buru the Gorger).
No attunement is required for this instance, and there are some very nice pieces of kit you can get from it, pieces which can be really good even now (hell, I'm still wearing a piece of ZG kit now and woulodn't mind one or two pieces of the AQ kit).
At the moment the php raid calendar is bugging on me, but provisionally I'm going to say that there'll be a venture into the Ruins on Tuesday evening.
As before, we'll try at least a week of running AQ20, maybe a couple of weeks, and the runs will be predominately Haven guild runs, however we may take Archangels of Damnation and Ashen Order members with us.