Rules Change - Advertising

Ronin Storm

Staff member
We've had a bit of a rise of commercial advertising over the past few weeks. It's far from offensive yet but it's not a trend we want to encourage. After discussion in the Moderation Team we've agreed a form of words that we're going to add to the current set of rules for THN. The following will go into effect later this week in the absence of a mass community uprising or zombie attack or whatever.

The new rule:



In general, this community is not interested in receiving advertising posts regardless of the subject. Advertising posts, whether they are for a product, service or group/clan will generally be deleted without warning, and we may ban your account, unless they meet one of the following criteria:

  1. Advertising a product or service in response to a recent query from a known community member is acceptable.
  2. Advertising a product, service or group/clan that has been discussed and agreed with the Adminstration & Moderation Team is acceptable.

Trolling around this will be obvious to us; don't do it.


We'll update the FAQ and the sign-up page with this and one of us will post here to say that this has taken effect.

Practically, this is what we've been doing anyhow. This is just a formal presentation of it so that potential advertisers (of all kinds) know what they're dealing with when they approach THN.