Sabrine & Lichen's First Posting


In Cryo Sleep
:) Sabrine & Lichen's First Posting :)

Hi There All

Believe it or not, this is my 1st posting on The Haven's WoW forums' and it was about time. Ive been playing WoW for about 6months now, when and if i get the time, between work and studies..Yeah, I have a life(No Offense meant to any1). and ive been part of the team pretty much since the beginning of my real wow experience( played fake servers for a start, and i must say that its sooo not the same. the Real Thing OWNS, Fake Servers SuCk , and the good things in life are worth paying for ).

Redarek The Hunter was the one that got me in2 the guild, back when i was about lvl 14...and i thought it was the *ShiZZle*. I jst want 2 thank all the guildies for making WoW on Scarshield Legion Realm what it has been and what lies in the future. I will defnitly make a point of posting and and being active on our guild's forums in future...

Char: Sabrine ( BloodElf Palladin Protection Spec(2Date) Level 50:D
Lichen ( Undead Warlock Destruction Spec(Current) Level 22:)