Saharah and Teufel Wedding

Evil Emz

In Cryo Sleep
Here are some screenshots of the wedding. Sorry it may be hard to see becase i got a widescreen laptop so i have to make pictures smaller. The wedding went so well and made me cried!

Anyway here are some pictures.:D







stoning us?
well i dnt know cant remember was really drunk :D

thanks again for all who attended u made it so special :)



Well-Known Member
I got to spam nearly a hundred fireworks in less than a minute... now -that- was truly special for me ;)

Seriously, though, it was a fun event!

Evil Emz

In Cryo Sleep
haha it was fun! I keep crying when saharah and teufel cuts their own palm.. .. wish i could see blood there!


Junior Administrator
I've gotta admit my curiosity here,

Now most of you know that i'm sceptical about WoW in the first place, but am I correct that this was a "wedding" on WoW (presumably tied to a real event?)

I'm not trying to take the piss in anyway, i'm actually generally curious perhaps someone could explain


Junior Administrator
I've gotta admit my curiosity here,

Now most of you know that i'm sceptical about WoW in the first place, but am I correct that this was a "wedding" on WoW (presumably tied to a real event?)

I'm not trying to take the piss in anyway, i'm actually generally curious perhaps someone could explain

It's called Roleplaying.

It's a way of play that Blizzard provide specific servers for where the intention of players playing on that server is that they act as if their character might do were he/she real. Obviously a romance has blossomed between these two characters and a wedding happened :D

There are no special in-game mechanisms for this, it is completely player-created and acted, and playing a game on an RP server is exactly the same as playing the game on a normal server. The only difference is the extra guidelines on things like character naming and chat conduct on the RP servers.


In Cryo Sleep
I really apologise for not being there as woogle, i really did want to go, but i was having my internet changed from ADSL to cable, the guys should have shown up between 1pm and 6pm, they showed up at 5:55pm, and the job should have taken 30mins, they were here for 3 hours -.-

Evil Emz

In Cryo Sleep
That is okey but you could see the pictures above but you never know there may be another wedding coming up! XD


In Cryo Sleep
That was fun, you can see my character almost in every pic. Hehe, Kershans massive body hides me =S


Staff member
Cool, can I get an invite to do the divorce please :P

*puts on his sweetest smile*


Staff member
yep the divorce is carried out in a ceremony in gurbashi arena. The bride and groom each bring their own raids to "officiate" the ceremony :)