Scottish Independence?


In Cryo Sleep
Well in the news today MP Brown has warned that the UK's existence is at risk.

So could there be independence? And do you agree? Could Scotland be strong and survive without the rest of the UK? And what will this mean for the rest of the Union such as Wales and Northern Ireland? Will they follow?


Junior Administrator
Economically, the truth is that due to government mismanagement over the past 50 or so years, our economy is in no fit state to sustain itself. We have practically no manufacturing left any more, and the primary resources of the land are being used up pretty quickly... once the North Sea oil's gone, well, bugger.

So no... Scotland should maintain devolution so we can stop some of the more crazy laws from down south travelling upwards, but at the same time maintain the budgetary advantages of the union :).


Well-Known Member
I think that if the majority of people who are Scots want Scottish independance, then England have no right to keep it away from them.


Junior Administrator
What ppl want can often be a dangerous thing as people are often a little dim.

Also as Dez rightly pointed out Scotland once the oils all gone doesn't have a whole lot going for it. I feel that the fact that there are more scottish ppl living outside scotland than there are in it says quite alot.
It has a lovely submarine facility in faslane i guess put there as the weather there is overcast 500 days of the year. I say we all move to holland and be done with it. hehehe. Although being the nationalistic twerp that i am i must also say that GB would be that little bit less absolutely spiffing without the good old jocks and their lovely tartan frocks.


In Cryo Sleep
everyone knows I dont like this country but I think any country had to sustain itself it could. Its only for the reason that they don't do they not set up things they would need to survive.

Same as humans really. We don't think the world will end tomorow so we dotn horde food and build under ground bunkers in our gardens...

unless were weird!!


Junior Administrator
Same as humans really. We don't think the world will end tomorow so we dotn horde food and build under ground bunkers in our gardens...

we don't, eh?? news to me. i'll go tell the 2 polish guys out back they might as well stop. and theres was me thinking i was on the ball.


In Cryo Sleep
The Scots are laughing all the way to the bank. We English give them £8 billion a year. It's been argued that if all the oil revenue wen't to Scotland they'd be able to finance themselves but unfortunately it works out that they'd be £3 billion in the red.

I don't really care whether the Scots become independant. What really gets my goat is having Scottish MPs vote on laws that only affect England.


Junior Administrator
Agreed. The simplest method of sorting this out is to remove their power to vote on english only laws. simple really. :)