Hey guys, letting you know i'll be taking Sabot out of the guild... this is not a slight against any of you it's just that i have been offered a place i cannot refuse with "Zenith" i know that this will affect some poeple more than others and to those i apologise deeply but this was an offer i literally could NOT refuse. This in no way means i will be out of contact with The Haven. My Paladin will stay here permenantley no doubt and i will -Always- be on the TS channel and about to help quest/pvp or instance with all of the friends i have here. I will no doubt chat to you all in game regarding this but consider this my formal explanation. I love you all and i hope you'll still love me - Sabot (The Mexican)
P.S. Im sure im gonna get bitch slapped by the guys at Lincoln for this...
P.S. Im sure im gonna get bitch slapped by the guys at Lincoln for this...