Selling Althea's Ashes


In Cryo Sleep
It's quite a big business. If you have 100 urns of it, and sell them for 100 gold each, you've made yourself 10K.

Just to clear it up: it's not a scam. Buying Althea's Ashes does work, you get instant 2000XP.

Now I did the quest, and it seems they've tweaked it a bit. I think I need another person to hand the ashes to, so that I can get some more. I'm not sure though. Maybe that person has to not have the quest, either way it is definitely not possible to obtain Althea's Ashes in bulk alone any more, I tried it.

So... anyone want to help me with this? It's OK if you don't, was just a thought of someone who needs money :)


Staff member
Well, I'm always a fan of the legitimate business ventures, I'll give it a try...

Edit: Now that I think of it, don't you need an urn to grab the ashes?


In Cryo Sleep
Well to do the quest yeh but you can hold the ashes urself. I'll help ya out just gimme a holla.


In Cryo Sleep
Carth...since you refuse to use X-Fire I need you to post up a time you can do this...everyhting else we do is arranged through X-Fire so when can you make it?


In Cryo Sleep

I refuse to use X-Fire, but I'm always on IRC. If you nudge me and I'm at the computer I'll answer :)


In Cryo Sleep
Me and T-Bone tried just now.... unsuccessfully. I was just writing a post about what we tried, and why it isn't possible, when some inspiration came. I'll report back after trying it. :)


In Cryo Sleep
I'm a genius! I was writing a post on exactly why it wasn't possible, when it suddenly came to me. So simple! And so satisfying to see it work after the idea :)


Me and Fatty did it alone :)


In Cryo Sleep
It's certainly easy money lol. I just sit there saying I'm selling it, if you're in an active district you get dozens of people coming up to you for it. I hate it when people come and undercut me though, becuase the selling price can drop low.

Tbh I prefer running as a way of making money, because at least then you're doing something. If you do a big run, say to Lion's Arch from Ascalon City, and get a full group all paying a few platinum you get the same amount of money, or more, but you aren't sitting on your arse doing nothing :)


Active Member

I got a lot of ashes to see how well they could be sold. There seems to be a lot of competition between multiple sellers. I've seen people selling them for as low as 40g, so I wonder if it's really worth the bother standing around for ages to sell numerous urn's of ashes.


In Cryo Sleep
Selling Altheas Ashes is mince for making money. If you wanna make some serious cash, do what my bro does. Use the W/Mo farming build and go into the Crystal Desert. Farm yourself some Desert Gryphons. Youre pretty much guaranteed a gold weapon drop. My bro made 65k in a day through that method.

EDIT: There are plenty of other farming builds and locations. An interesting one is the Monk Underworld build, in which you NEED to have the -50 health Grim Cesta from the 'Cities of Ascalon' quest. Ive seen those Cestas go for about 50k because theres no way to get the weapon back after youve completed CoA.

My bro made a vid of it, reckon Ill post it up if I can find it...


In Cryo Sleep
Desert Griffon farming has been nerfed. Used to make 10k per hour there but now it's impossible. Farming Gypsie Ettins is much better get around 6 gold armor drops per run and a good few purples.


In Cryo Sleep
They TRIED to nerf it (by making the griffons run away when you use balthazars aura), but they come back eventually. Oh yes, they do ;) Mostly when I want to make money, I just join a party for Villainy of Galrath. Its fun, lengthy, and you get some half decent drops.


In Cryo Sleep
No, it's not because they nerfed AoE, or any spells. They nerfed farming. Full stop.

Apparently the game can detect it or something. You get better drops doing co-operative missions than farming. I killed hundreds and hundreds of ettins one night, and got:

0 minor runes
0 major runes
0 superior runes
4 light blue items
0 purple items
0 gold items
about 1000 gold
hundreds of salvage items without colour

I then did one mission with eight other players, and got lots of nice drops. In fact I average a few runes (purple and blue) every mission, the occasional gold. And quite a few purple and blue weapons too.

As for selling Althea's Ashes. I still have mine from when I discovered how to do it. I can't be bothered standing around with all the people undercutting me.


In Cryo Sleep
How odd, my bro does Desert Griffon farming all the time and it works for him :? Maybe you guys dont have the build right or something