Server Bandwidth usage


Staff member
A few quick stats on server usage for serenity for anyone who is interested:

January 2006: Received: 15.11 GB Sent: 47.71 GB Total: 62.82 GB
Febuary 2006: Received: 10.18GB Sent: 41.40 GB Total: 51.57 GB
March 2006: Received: 22.43 GB Sent: 70.01 GB Total: 92.44 GB

Those are the traffic stats stored by the router at our hosting provider.

Strangely enough when I look at the webstats produced for january and February:

January total web hosted bandwidth: 72.07 GB
February total web hosted bandwidth: 56.45 GB

Either the router isn't logging all ip traffic or apache is lying :) Either way we get a ball park figure which is useful.

What can we conclude from these stats ?

Not a lot given the discrepancy. But we are using a LOT of bandwidth for web hosting and relatively little for games ... obviously the CPU is the limiting factor for games which will always remain the case - even an eight way opteron system would use little bandwidth (relatively) when hosting games.

Right, I hope you found this tidbit of info interesting :)


Junior Administrator
so is this just for information purposes??? or is this some kind of warning that we are using it too much?


Staff member
Blimey what a negative lot you are.

This is just for info or interest. If there is ever a potential problem then I'll make damn sure that its clear its a problem and you'll know about it. Maybe I shouldn't post up these things if they are going to be mis-interpreted ... *ponders*

To give you an idea of how much usage this is. We have a terrabit a month to play with so we're using between 5% and 7% of this currently.


We're not negative! I think thatbloke was just making sure we're not causing you problems. And only using 5%-7% of the bandwidth is pretty damn good! Cheers for the info.


Staff member
That's it? I probably use that much bandwidth in a month myself... :eek:

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Thanks for this, Haven. Incidentally, that does seem a very high figure for our web hosting. Are we doing a lot of file downloads as well, in that?


Staff member
Yup thats everything whether it be file downloads from my stash or pestcontrols UT2004 file mirror.


haven said:
If there is ever a potential problem then I'll make damn sure that its clear its a problem and you'll know about it.

hehe I remeber playing a CSS pcw where you were shouting at Dezmond to get out of the tunnel and then you headshotted him for not listening :D. Hope your not going to do that if there ever is a problem with the bandwidth :D.


In Cryo Sleep
I think you should've posted the one terabit bandwidth limit we have in the original post, Haven. I can see why some people misinterpreted it the way they did. It's the "LOT" but that may have scared some. :)

I'd be interested to see how much the UT2004 mirror is actually taking up, is there any easy way you can filter out uz2 files in apache's logs and see how much they account for?

As for the discrepancies, the most logical explanation would be downtime on the router logging the traffic. Apache shows the actual number of bytes sent, rather than file size, for aborted downloads, right? There's nothing else that i can think of.

Are there also logs of the bytes and packets sent over eth0, or are they lost on reboots?


In Cryo Sleep
Macca said:
hehe I remeber playing a CSS pcw where you were shouting at Dezmond to get out of the tunnel and then you headshotted him for not listening :D. Hope your not going to do that if there ever is a problem with the bandwidth :D.

LOL, I nearly [The following phrase has been removed to due to it's vulgar nature] myself laughing when I that happened :D

But yeh, I think we need to use more BW...I'll see if I can churn out another one of my award winning ideas like radio. :D

Ronin Storm

Staff member
haven said:
thats everything whether it be file downloads from my stash or pestcontrols UT2004 file mirror

Ah ha. That sounds much more reasonable. That quantity just from web pages? That'd scare me.


New Member
T-Bone said:
LOL, I nearly [The following phrase has been removed to due to it's vulgar nature] myself laughing when I that happened :D

But yeh, I think we need to use more BW...I'll see if I can churn out another one of my award winning ideas like radio. :D
TV.thehavennet? That'd be good. VERY illegal, but good ;)


In Cryo Sleep
Exo-Warrior said:
THN Sitcom? :D

Dear lord no!

<show> Haven sitting in his kecks, pint in hand, on the sofa giggling and booting from a cd. </show>

<treatment> All viewers burn their computers, have their eyeballs cleaned and their memories wiped </treatment>



Staff member
Don't worry! I filled the eyewash stations with acid a few months ago :D


In Cryo Sleep

You should move there. :)


Junior Administrator
We're having enough trouble with a radio series, let alone a fecking TV series! :p However I have been considering playing around with a form of video in terms of small resolution (read: mobile content)... however that's a long way off.