Shattered Halls run planned tonight 8pm uk time



Razerhoof and Roryolion are gonna do a shattered halls run tonight at 8pm UK time ( 9pm server time I think ). Rory will tank, I'll heal, so any guildmembers who want to join us are very welcome ( obviously we'll need some cc and/or off tank ).


Well-Known Member
If you can't get a 5th member, grab me, but until then I want to be strictly backup; I'll help if I'm needed, but SH isn't one of my favourite anymore... blame it on the awesomeness of the me-Woogle-Tuldur-Baldilocks-Timidity group which anihilated the place in 45 minutes and now make normal groups feel too slow.


Heh yeah, I've been on a fast run through there once where it was a guild run and everyone else was in the same raiding guild ( Phantasm I think? ). I don't expect this to be a fast run, as Rory hasn't been before, but we both need the rep and for those who haven't done it lots, its a fun instance and quite a challenge..:)


Birdy..whats your warrior called?

And if anyone has any tips for taking the last boss, please post current plan if we have 2 warriors is for one to tank the adds, the other the boss and the other dps on boss.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Are you guys still using an external raid calendar or would using the event system here be helpful?


Well-Known Member
Bah! I knew as I quit WoW people would start doing isntances I needed to do!

/me considers re-subscribing..


Junior Administrator
Bah! I knew as I quit WoW people would start doing isntances I needed to do!

/me considers re-subscribing..

Don't do it nanor, have actually been able to have the odd game with you lately, If you got sucked back into the WoWage just think of the broken hearts


Well-Known Member
I downloaded trackmania bob, I'll be able to play with you on that! :D

Even still.. DPS does sound fun..


Thanks to Bexxor, Ralijin, Roryolion for coming along ( plus Takiturn, who is a non guild warrior me and Rory know ). Our group was..
Warrior tank
DPS warrior
Druid off tank
Enchancement Shaman
Resto shaman healing

No CC and no ranged dps - and no-one in particularly epic gear. We still made it to the last boss with just 2 wipes ( once when someone wasn't rdy for the pull, once just bad tactics ). The druid off tanked as our cc method and it worked well, albeit a little slow as general dps output was a little low with this method. So well done all, you proved you can do it without cc ( apart from the last boss!).



Hmm that last boss is a nasty fellow, I still think we might have taken him but it was not an optimal party. Still lots of fun, now I just need to do:

Black Morass - Need Revered with Keepers of time
Steam Vaults - Need Exaulted with CE
Botanica - Need potions quest
Alcatraz - Need Verdant Gloves
*Shattered Halls - Last boss gloves drop

and lots more :)

* only one I have done from this list! Need more time for this silly game :S


In Cryo Sleep
yea i would really like another try at shatterd halls soon!

the quest has been in my log for so long now!