Shoe lace trick


Well-Known Member
Wait... What?! :eek:

I had to watch that twice and slow it down to even see what he did. Thats INSANE.


I think it's gotta been hidden under this trousers, or something. But who knows...


Well-Known Member
I assumed something like that, but even slowing it down I cant see where the untied laces disappear to :S


Staff member
I assumed something like that, but even slowing it down I cant see where the untied laces disappear to :S

in all probability, up his trouser leg (easy if you have a string through, say, a hole in your pocket or whatever), which conveniently also covers any potential already-tied laces...


Well-Known Member
in all probability, up his trouser leg (easy if you have a string through, say, a hole in your pocket or whatever), which conveniently also covers any potential already-tied laces...

But the laces themselves are tied into his shoe, and if you pause it at the end, when the knot is done, it looks like the laces are tied into the shoe still, Im not quite sure how you'd drop a convincing knot in and get rid of the other laces without it just looking like a mess...

I shall continue to explore - Im sure someone has the answers out there on how its done!


Staff member
You don't see the original laces attached to his shoe. Simply, he had his shoe tied and the knot hidden in his pant leg.