Short Stories


Well-Known Member
So I thought maybe you creative people might have some short stories knocking about? I'm not particularly creative but I did write some Harry Potter fan fic. Feel free to post up yours!


Harry looked up at Hagrid from his position in his lap. "Hagrid, your hairy beard is tickling me!" Hagrid laughed heartily and said, "Don't be silly, Harry Potter! Your shaven face belies a beard many times the hairiness of mine, and I do believe that yours is nested on your loins!"

Harry Potter nodded in acknowledgement. It was true. Lord Voldemort's pubius sproutus curse, cast two months ago during a particularly adventurous game of wizard truth or dare, had yet to lose its effect, and young Master Potter's netherhairs had grown into an eight pound mat of briar-like tangles.

Hagrid growled lustily, "But now that I've mentioned it, I wouldn't mind a little ga-"

Harry smashed a wizard brick into Hagrid's face, killing him instantly.

Hermione enters the common room by way of wizard door and loudly exclaims, "WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT IS THIS, HARRY? YOU KILLED HIM! HE'S FUCKING DEAD!"

"Yeah," Harry chuckled ruefully. "He certainly is!"


Well. 90% of Fan Fiction is generall "Erotic" and since we can't even post porn on here..I doubt they would let you lot do stuff like that. :p


Super Moderator
Staff member
yeah i bet nanor has the rest of this as fap material in his shrine with the rest of his emma watson pictures...


In Cryo Sleep
the rest of his emma watson pictures...



Well-Known Member
I didn't write that by the way and I don't want to read your short stories, either!

Quick! Somebody make this thread useful!