Shoutbox refresh


Staff member
Any chance of getting the shotbox to refresh a little less often? Near realtime updates are nice, but if you're trying to highlight a line for copying, the refresh messes that up. With the rate it refreshes at right now, it's rather difficult to highlight and copy a line...


Junior Administrator
Actually, just what is the refresh rate? I've noticed it is near real-time but I don't know the actual time interval.

Anyway, what kind of refresh rate do you have in mind? Every 15 seconds?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
The shoutbox technically isn't just running a refresh. It's actually doing some neato AJAX stuff where it receives updates when they happen, and not at other times. This means, unfortunately, that there's no easy way to turn down the refresh mechanism without really going into the guts of that code.

When I get chance I'll take a look, but I'm not hopeful on this implementation of the shoutbox. There are, by the by, other options for shouting features available for vBulletin.


Staff member
Well, I don't know a whole lot about AJAX, but the client has to be requesting updates from the server every so often, and then the server would be deciding whether to send or not, correct? Even if it doesn't update, that request counts as a refresh to me :p

Anyway, try highlighting some text in the shoutbox and waiting a few seconds. On my end, the text unhighlights itself, but not near as quickly as it used to.


Staff member
i don't see that... it de-highlights maybe every 5 seconds or so? maybe you should up your mouse sensitivity a bit? ;P