Morning All
A bit of an open ended thread this one. Pestcontrol noted that apache was eating a lot of system resources on serenity and causing games to lag. He promptly re-niced apache so it has a lower thread priority than the games and this seems to have solved the issue without any noticable performance hit to apache. Anyway thats the background from a few days ago.
I was doing some system updates today and monitoring CPU usage whilst doing so. I noticed that apache is consistently using around 25% of the CPU when the site is busy i.e. early morning / early evening.
Digging a little deeper I notice that of all the requests coming through our server there are 10x more vbshout.php requests than there are showthread.php and each request is returning around twice the ammount of information as the showthread reqeusts (114-122 vs 14-55 KB) and thats me being nice with those stats
. So thats 1/20th of the bandwidth going on returning forum info compared to shoutbox info.
So whats this info useful for ?
In a word bottlenecks. If we get into cpu usage issues or bandwidth usage issue (i.e. I ever have to run it over DSL again - hopefully not ...) then the shoutbox will be one of the first things to we will have to turn off. This would obviously be a shame as its so well liked but it is also worth knowing that its a resource hog.
Right thats it really ...
A bit of an open ended thread this one. Pestcontrol noted that apache was eating a lot of system resources on serenity and causing games to lag. He promptly re-niced apache so it has a lower thread priority than the games and this seems to have solved the issue without any noticable performance hit to apache. Anyway thats the background from a few days ago.
I was doing some system updates today and monitoring CPU usage whilst doing so. I noticed that apache is consistently using around 25% of the CPU when the site is busy i.e. early morning / early evening.
Digging a little deeper I notice that of all the requests coming through our server there are 10x more vbshout.php requests than there are showthread.php and each request is returning around twice the ammount of information as the showthread reqeusts (114-122 vs 14-55 KB) and thats me being nice with those stats
So whats this info useful for ?
In a word bottlenecks. If we get into cpu usage issues or bandwidth usage issue (i.e. I ever have to run it over DSL again - hopefully not ...) then the shoutbox will be one of the first things to we will have to turn off. This would obviously be a shame as its so well liked but it is also worth knowing that its a resource hog.
Right thats it really ...