Sick of Piss poor Instance Groupies!


In Cryo Sleep
For weeks now i've been trying to do the daily heroic every day, in a nice clean run you would expect. Basically if its not Heroic Mr. T, Shattered halls or Shadow labs I don't expect to be dying alot. Recently however I havent finished a heroic because the Tank is Shite and the DPS are a bunch of Lemons! All i get left with is a few badges and a 30+G repair bill.
Now there are always guildies willing to go when they are online, however there never seems to be loads of groups formed to go for the daily heroic, meaning alot of people go in LFG and end up with a bunch of idiots in welfare epics on almost all occasions.
Perhaps we can look into setting up a time to be online where, most people can make it to run a load of daily heroic groups, we've got the tanks, the healers and loads of DPS.
Just wanna get the feelers out here and see if there is an interest in nightly guild heroic runs.


Well-Known Member
Same here, mate; I rarely PuG anymore because I used to have the exact same issues (woot for warriors trying to tank in Berserker stance, or using a 2H weapon... uuuurgh!), and recently the guild hasn't been the best source of groups for Heroics. More often than not, it's the tanks that are the issues (I am aware of some of the hypocrisy in me saying that, but I've stepped back from tanking for a few days until I can sort myself out), and nothing ever gets done. Thing is, I really want badges, I want epic gems, and there are a couple of drops which would benefit both my sets of gear, and I know that others are like that as well, yet sod all happens.

I might start booting people up the arse if all I see them doing is AFK'ing in a major city rather than pipe up and volunteer to help...

If you're on, for heaven's sake, HELP OUT, peoples! We do need to get more of these Heroic groups going!


Junior Administrator
Same here, mate; I rarely PuG anymore because I used to have the exact same issues (woot for warriors trying to tank in Berserker stance, or using a 2H weapon... uuuurgh!), and recently the guild hasn't been the best source of groups for Heroics. More often than not, it's the tanks that are the issues (I am aware of some of the hypocrisy in me saying that, but I've stepped back from tanking for a few days until I can sort myself out), and nothing ever gets done. Thing is, I really want badges, I want epic gems, and there are a couple of drops which would benefit both my sets of gear, and I know that others are like that as well, yet sod all happens.

I might start booting people up the arse if all I see them doing is AFK'ing in a major city rather than pipe up and volunteer to help...

If you're on, for heaven's sake, HELP OUT, peoples! We do need to get more of these Heroic groups going!

OMG that was Lithy's 666th post...

I would like to say that If I am online I am always willing to go to ANY instance with ANYONE assuming I have the time.

Some people may be sick to death of certain instances but I for one love each and every one of em and will never get tired of playing this game with my friends.

It seems more like an attitude problem in some cases...


Staff member
Don't rely on events spontaneously happening. Make an event in advance (at least 2 days notice) and advertise it in guild chat.


In Cryo Sleep
Yup, got the same.
First thing i do when i get an invite to a pug, I check armory of the tank. Immedietly decline any invites from green/walfare geared 'tanks', it saves a lot of money and time. If tank seems reasonable I accept invite and use first couple of trash groups as a trial. If I don't die it should be fine. Otherwise I simply say goodbye and leave the group. Also in some harder heroics, if dps group can't do more that 1500dps all together, it's wise to leave or suggest to replace them.


Well-Known Member
Yup, got the same.
First thing i do when i get an invite to a pug, I check armory of the tank. Immedietly decline any invites from green/walfare geared 'tanks', it saves a lot of money and time. If tank seems reasonable I accept invite and use first couple of trash groups as a trial. If I don't die it should be fine. Otherwise I simply say goodbye and leave the group. Also in some harder heroics, if dps group can't do more that 1500dps all together, it's wise to leave or suggest to replace them.

If three DPS'ers can't do 1500 DPS between them, then I truly weep for the state of the realm. Fully raid-buffed with all my procs going off, I can reach up to 1500 DPS alone...


In Cryo Sleep
~1000dps is available for Kara/badge gear toon, however I rarely meet such ppl in heroics :<


In Cryo Sleep
I've hardly been running any heroics lately because it's too much hassle to gather a group when I can just stand next to a battlemaster, click "Join" and get busy grinding those "welfare epics" (dying a little inside when we lose yet another AV...).

But I too would be highly interested in doing daily heroics with the guild. There normally are enough people on, so Belegon's idea of a fixed time where we hit the daily heroic should help a lot to make it happen regularly and without the enormous initial effort. I'm usually on from around 8/8:30 PM Server, so I'd suggest something like 9 PM server time.


Well-Known Member
At the moment I'm Heroic'ing as my Retridin, unless it's Heroic Sethekk, in which case I'll bring Lithy. If people need me and I'm in-game, give a shout, and I'll usually be able to help.

And contrary to popular belief, Ret does not suck on damage, especially when you know what you're doing :P


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

I would like to say that If I am online I am always willing to go to ANY instance with ANYONE assuming I have the time.

Some people may be sick to death of certain instances but I for one love each and every one of em and will never get tired of playing this game with my friends.

I share that sentiment in full. Trouble is, I very rarely find the time to be on at reasonable hours, during the week, and at 11PM GMT, there's hardly anyone in the guild that needs me for anything. :) So, I just do my own thing with the dailies and whatnot. :)

However, if you see me on and need a healer, I'm always up for interrupting what I'm doing and lending a helping hand. If I'm not doing a lowbie instance with my warrior, that is. ;)



In Cryo Sleep
Christ glad im not the only one here having Heroic troubles, perhaps ile set calender day runs, where we do the heroic and every heroic in that place, i.e all hellfire heroics one after the other.
That way, more badges and it makes the 3-4 day notice a bit more worth it.


Active Member
I have the exact same problem - need badges, got gear good enough for heroics, but simply cannot find good enough group. I wouldn't put all the blame on tanks, but it is truly annoying trying to heal the whole group while being pursued by a mob interrupting you and hitting you for 2k+.

I don't think heroics (daily ones) can be really planned in such an advance - I wish to think simply suggesting a run on the /g should be enough.


In Cryo Sleep
Well if you would ever need a DPS and I'm on at the time you can give me a shout, and surely I will be able to help. Also if I'm on a TS but not in game means that I'm playing one of my many alts, so just shout at TS. Sometimes I might not hear you, but don't give up xD


In Cryo Sleep
Well I have a well geared tank as well as this warlock if I am on and not involved in something else feel free to shout for me as dps or to bring a tank
