Signature limits


New Member
Just tried to upload a photo into my signature (can be found here)

It's too big. But I don't think it is really. It's not overpowering, but it's large enough to be noticed. I think that 580x63 is too small a limit. It's a good idea to have a limit, in order to stop people from having ridiculously large signatures, but we can't limit choice too much can we? I don't know what you guys think, just an idea.


Well-Known Member
Scale it down a bit, it is rather overpowering on the lower end of the res-scale (Which I enhabit).

Ronin Storm

Staff member
It's all about space between posts, actually. 63 pixels or 4 lines is fairly standard faire. If we take a look at your post, the signature you propose would be larger than the content of the post itself. Something has to be wrong there. Sure, signatures are about expression. The art of it is working inside the constraints.

All art has constraints. Banner art is constrained by height and width. Looking at it you could shave a lot off the bottom and still have a signature that makes sense.


I can't remember where it is, but I remember that RS done some impressive number crunching on Sig sizes, and peoples Internet connections and found that it would have taken quite a bit of time for pages to load up etc...

Anyway I can't find it but there was a previous thread on this :). I sure wouldn't mind the sig limit, however if it affected the loading up of pages for others I wouldnt bother :).


Junior Administrator
As a person who occassionally accesses these forums by mobile, I ask you: nooooooooooo!

You should be able to fit something in 63 pixels of height no bother. If you need more, make a text-only sig and fill it with tiny writing... ;)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Just to reiterate the forums are about the posts not the signatures of the people doing the posts :D. Make sense?


In Cryo Sleep
Literally five seconds in paint turned this:


Into this:


It's till too big for the sites size rules but you get the idea of what can be done. Also apart from the dimenion difference, which you can see, the size difference went from 18.6KB to 3.86KB, much more 56K/Dez's Mobile friendly.


Junior Administrator
Also apart from the dimenion difference, which you can see, the size difference went from 18.6KB to 3.86KB, much more 56K/Dez's Mobile friendly.

This brings up another question. Whe ACTUALLY uses (or even knows someone who uses) 56k anymore? But maybe that's a question for another thread...

Ronin Storm

Staff member
thatbloke said:
Whe ACTUALLY uses (or even knows someone who uses) 56k anymore?

Anyone north of Watford or west of Reading who tries to use some form of mobile device and finds that 3G is probably the most unreliable comms platform ever. Well, okay, smoke signals maybe weren't so reliable... hmm, and BOWMAN... but you get the picture. :)