
Ronin Storm

Staff member
Hi everyone,

Well I've been talking about this one for a bit and now it's implemented -- signature controls. This has got some give and take in it, so here's the deal...

There's some stuff that's enforced in system now. The rules enforced by the board's system are as follows:

  • Maximum of 4 lines.
  • Maximum font size of 4.
  • Maximum of 1 image.
  • Maximum image width of 580 pixels.
  • Maximum image height of 63 pixels.
  • Offsite images are being allowed, for now. If this becomes problematic we may look at locking down to, say, Gallery.THN images only.

Additional to that are some "fair play" rules. Please keep signatures from flashing or scrolling or otherwise being distracting -- we're not here to marvel at your signature (that's what Gallery.THN is for), we're here to read the posts. Things that get in the way of that may have a Mod asking you to tone it down or take it off, just so you're warned.

Overall, I think this is actually opening up more options than it is closing down. Almost everyone here is within these guidelines already, and a number have tried to use images already. There's a little leeway in the image height that I can put in play, if we need to, so let me know if that height is really problematic.

Edit: Added example signature with 63 pixel height to let people see what it might look like... it's only 460 pixels wide, though.


Staff member
Is there (or can there be) a limit on the filesize of image sigs?


In Cryo Sleep
This all sounds good but I have one request. This is that the max height is increased to 111pixels to accomodate the classic-size X-Fire profile. i dont feel this would cause too many problems and I hope it can/will be done.


Staff member
Personally, I think 63 is big enough as it is. With the majority of posts being just a few words, the forum will become 90% sigs if you go any higher than that...


In Cryo Sleep
I've never been a big fan of image signatures, but if you enable signatures, can I use this one?



Staff member
There is no smilie that can properly describe my emotions after seeing that.


In Cryo Sleep
I believe we should make an exception for Carth. He's told me he is very proud of his signature and feels it helps other people accept his sexuality.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
T-Bone said:
This is that the max height is increased to 111pixels to accomodate the classic-size X-Fire profile.

The general consensus in the Admin Team is not to have the large XFire signatures, but to allow the smaller and really small ones. Please let me know if you're prevented having one of these by this system.


In Cryo Sleep
Ronin Storm said:
Wow. Nice image. :)

No, you can't have it as your signature! ;)

hehe, it's a joke sig. I use it on forums that allow signatures in mockery of all the big gay sigs. Also, BiG_D finds it hilarious for some reason.



In Cryo Sleep
OK, I'm really sorry but the blatant truth is that this censorship, let's not beat around the bush that's what it is, is getting ridiculous. In your effort to try and make people conform to signatures 'standards' and the like you have totally missed the bull, gone askew and hit some old lady wearing a crochéd bobble hat right between the keekers. 111 pxiels is NOT big, it's the truth. The majority of web banners are this size and is also, because of that, become the default signature banner size. If people don't want to see people's signatures...turn them off, it's that simple.

Apart from signatures this text-size thing revolving around Safety is also starting to anger me. I see nothing wrong with using that text size in a signature. Signatures, on forums such as these, are a way of stating an identity. To people in mid-teens, especially boys, doing this is a way of asserting themselves and is a very important thing. In my humble opinion your age is getting in the way here a tad. The truth is that the majority of THN are young lads. You need to think what is important.

In conclusion you are taking this cencorship far too far and there are lots of things I have become extremely unhappy with since the forum changes. I feel that this website is becoming more and more facist. Also, this talk about bans floating about is absoulutely shocking. People have a right to discuss their opinions as was done, maybe a few things have happened I would consitute as rude but not bannable for God sake. I seriously want something done on about this sooner rather than later before Ronin Storm ends up with an empty forum wondering what went wrong.


There are two attitudes to signitures here on this community.

Opinion one, is that they distract from the reason for a forum (i.e reading posts)

Opinion two, is that they are a distinction of identity and add to the experiance.

I fall in between the two, I wouldn't mind reading something informative a famous quote or whatever as I browze. What I would object to however is the same repetive picture of a soldier with the words "I pwn n00bs" emblazoned within.

There needs to be a balence, at the end of the day is a signiture really needed? and again is there a reason not to allow signitures?

Finally, other than the obvious the only argument I object to is this "well disable them in user options" I don't want to have to do this, I want to be able to see signitures, but I don't want them filling my screen, it's all a question of what most people want?

For example does anyone have any objection to mine? it's small and "hopefully" non-intrusive, however I do object to it as I preferred how you used to have to click it to find the image :p (ahh well, I can sort that some time)

What is needed is debate, stubbonly clinging to opinions is not a debate that will just result in a crack-down. If you feel your opinion is the "correct one" then please don't reply


Staff member
I agree with that almost 100%

Sigs can be full of identity without being big and flashy. I could just disable sigs, but I'd be missing out on the good ones, and there are some good ones here. [As a side note, a way to disable sigs on a per-user basis so I don't have to look at specific ones that annoy me would be great. Always more work for Ronin ;) ]


Junior Administrator
Staff member
T bone: If it was censorship wouldn't we just totally block it. At the end of the day what Sgtsafety is saying in his sig would still come across if it was small or large.

The problem is with Large Sigs it is an affront to the eyes and gets in the way of the discussion. I have a fish in a bowl. I could have it 10 times the size and it would still be a fish in a bowl.

As for the talk of bans....... think back a few months, would there really have been that sort of talk that Safety and Pubic are throwing around. No. One of the things I respected about the Havennet is that we respect each other, rather than lashing out.

Also the fact that Ronin reinstated signatures shows he is listening to what has been asked for.

Sometimes I feel safety likes to bait other people to see what they say.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
T-Bone said:
I'm really sorry but the blatant truth is that this censorship

T-Bone, I'm sorry you feel this way, but I disagree that this is censorship. These are restrictions, sure, but all in all the system has allowed more things than it has restricted -- images in signatures seems quite a big gain for the loss of large font sizes.

T-Bone said:
Signatures, on forums such as these, are a way of stating an identity.

Sure, I agree wholeheartedly with that sentiment. But surely we can well express ourselves in size 4 or less fonts with banners of 63 pixels or less?

T-Bone said:
The truth is that the majority of THN are young lads.

Unfortunately that's not the truth. We have a pretty even spread of ages running from 13 up into the early 40s. The median age here appears to be around 20/21.

T-Bone said:
there are lots of things I have become extremely unhappy with since the forum changes.

You have been at liberty to state these issues at any time. Why wait 'til a flashpoint to bring that up?

T-Bone said:
I seriously want something done on about this sooner rather than later before Ronin Storm ends up with an empty forum wondering what went wrong.

You demand action, but you suggest nothing following that. What would you have done? Are you hoping that I'll read that as "I hope Ronin Storm leaves and never comes back" and happily I'll up-sticks and leave as if I have no interest in this community?

The younger and more vocal portions of our community are not the only portions. The older members of our forum post rarely and perhaps feel unwelcome in this environment where "young lads" assert themselves. I care about what happens here and I am most certainly listening to what is said, not merely pushing my own agenda or keeping my own council. You can see what I say in the Moderators' Conference Room, where this stuff is discussed privately so we can thrash our a decent and fair way forward that represents all parts of our gaming community. From this I believe you know that I am listening and I am always ready to state a reason why or why not on any issue. Please do the same, not just vent anger at me.

Fuzzy Bunny

About the banning: over at the BCG forums, they use a warning system. The moderators send warning messages to the members that add 33% or so to their warning bar and explain to them why they're being warned. When the warning bar gets filled the member is banned (or tempbanned, not sure which). Maybe something similar could be done here?


In Cryo Sleep
Fuzzy Bunny said:
When the warning bar gets filled the member is banned (or tempbanned, not sure which).
The warnings get removed slowly over time. So if you do something wrong you don't get banned, but if you go out of your way and do 4 things wrong in a row, you get banned. I think it took a few months for my 25% warning to disappear :)


In Cryo Sleep
OK, let me make a final stand on this.

I feel that the actions taken were wrong however, I feel they were done for the right reasons. I shall say no more in the matter.