Silent Hunter 4


In Cryo Sleep
Silent Hunter 4 at IGN

Anyone else buying this? I want to get a submarine warfare game (watched Das Boot recently, got me in the mood) and I was thinking Silent Hunter 3 because of the excellent reviews it recieved; it's only £8 on as well. I knew Silent Hunter 4 was in the works but I didn't realise it had been released already (at least it has on anyway) so I reckon I might go for that instead. It's a shame there aren't any reviews yet, but I can't imagine it going far off course from SH3. I'm sure I saw a THN member indulging in a bit of SH3 on xfire before, but I can't remember who ... Fuzzy Bunny maybe?

I used to play this submarine game called Silent Service for the old NES, which was actually fairly brilliant. It had this system where you go on patrol for 40 days (moving your little 'submarine' around a map of the Japanese sector of the Pacific Ocean, covering all the way from Australia to the northern tip of Japan. Accelerated timescale, obviously) until you encountered an enemy convoy, at which point you were placed in your sub about 15,000 yards off the convoy where you could manouvre about and set up your attack as you wished. It was great, you could launch a bunch of torpedos and take down as much tonnage as possible and then dive deep and run slowly under the destroyers whilst they depth charged you and all that stuff. Although, most of the time I just torpedoed the destroyers first and then had the convoy at my mercy :) Ah, can't wait to get in some submarine action again.


In Cryo Sleep
yea ill prob end up playing this, if silent hunter games werent around my dad would not be alive, he lives for these games lol


New Member
Yeah i'll probably be getting it as well. Won't get much chance to play it until after the exams though. Does it have multi-player?


In Cryo Sleep
Silent Hunter 3 had co-op, so you can probably put a large sum of money on 4 having it as well. I hope it does, anyway, since you scurvy ridden lot are gonna buy as well :)


In Cryo Sleep
i played silent hunter 2 and i a bit of 3, wasnt very impressed with 2(mainly because i was bad at it!) but 3 was better :) i would buy it but im compeltely out of shinnies

edit 1: i'd like to note that this post isnt a response to anything and im fairly tired so its more of a straight to the point thingey bob...


I would go 4, I've tried 3, annoying thing about it was you couldn't increase the resolution beyond 1024x768.


In Cryo Sleep
Yeah, I read a few complaints about that 1024 thing and you know what I'm like when there's a res limit :/ Still, 4 should (should...) see the issue resolved. I just can't wait for an in-depth sub game again. Allegedly, the best way to play is to go all Luke Skywalker and turn off the targetting computer, put some of that Higher maths to good use :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I found that a single expedition in SH3 could easily take 6 hours so I think I need to learn to play the game differently as I kept trying to play an entire outing in one and staying up 'til insane hours. That said, I enjoyed SH3 and if I have some spare cash I may well end up getting this... but probably not at release.


Well-Known Member
Ooo, I think I played one of the older ones on the Playstation, submarines and stuff yes? I might check this out :D.


In Cryo Sleep
A full review of His-Royal Subbiness, courtesy of your good chums at IGN!

Sounds pretty good to me! Can't wait to get into it this weekend! The only thing I never realised before is that it is set in the Pacific with yank subs, rather than U-Boats in the Atlantic. I kinda wanted a go at U-Boats myself (I guess I could just buy SH3 :/) but I suppose my experience with Silent Service will lend this theatre of war to be a bit more familiar.

I will mention that on, a major community for submarine sims and the like, the SH3 vets are going off their heads at some of the problems in SH4, like the fact you aren't allowed AA and you still aren't allowed resolutions over 1024x768. The fact that IGN neglected to mention some of this leads to me to believe that there was a bit of favouritism, or maybe some back-handers somewhere along the line, but seeing as I've never played SH3 and thus have no expectations I reckon I'm laughing.

EDIT: The fact that the game is titled Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific should probably have given me a clue as to the theatre of war, silly silly Tetsuo. :p


In Cryo Sleep
If anyone is interested, the 1.2 patch is now available. Fixes many bugs and (finally) adds support for large resolutions and full screen AA



Junior Administrator
Hmm, could be interesting. I read a book on submarine warfare (SSN by Tom CLancy) which was aimed at the then top submarine sim, SSN (produced by clancy). I really enjoyed the idea behind this, and could be very tempted to have a go at SH4, might wait and see what the general opinion was though!