Since we're so interested in WWII now ;)


In Cryo Sleep
Wow, that looks brilliant fun! Quite convincing as well, thats assuming I actually know what WW2 felt like ... So, was that part of Gothenberg city itself or a 'set'? Great watch, wouldnt mind taking part in one of those at some point, Id probably be on the Nazi side, what with my blonde hair and blue eyes and all ... I'm on the MG!

Oh, and there goes my 500th post :D Time for an avvy methinks ...


Staff member
It's an old army barracks :)

Yeah, it's fun according to my mates who've tried it. But very expensive. And you need a license for most of the guns they play with, only a few of them are simfire (try to spot which are and which aren't ;P ).

On a side note, who's seen Kelly's Heroes?

And who's played it? (me!) Pics are hard to find, but basically it's a gigantic diorama, with all characters played by individual players. When I first played it I was the loader in one of the Tigers. Then I moved on to playing Oddball :D. Fantastic game, and usually only take 12-14 hours to play! ;)