[EVE] Skill Queue


Staff member
The skill queue is coming! It will let you queue skill starts up to 24 hours in advance. Sounds like a good way to simplify things a bit.

Not that it will prevent me from having no skill running for two weeks when I don't feel like logging in :p


Junior Administrator
OOH shinies.

I think CCP have got a good balance on this one for ease of use -VS- still having to play the game


Junior Administrator
well that was one thing that annoyed me - if I had a series of 2 hour skills I wanted to learn, I couldn't learn more than 1 without either playing the game for more than 2 hours or logging in multiple times.

Something like this *might* tempt me to re-activate the game and see if i can get into it again :)


Well-Known Member
Something Im really looking forward to! No more staying up til 5am to change skills just to stick to a timeline!

And yeah, I know I can change skills half way through, it just messes up the whole schedule :p


Super Moderator
Staff member
mmmh no more 5am skill changes :)

though i don't really have that problem at the moment as the current plan is 13 skills, 76D