Skin for mobile / tablet devices


Junior Administrator

I've been using THN for a little while on my phone and my new touchpad. I was wondering if we could get a slightly modified version of the blue theme which has a default slightly larger text / buttons? I'm primarily thinking on page numbers and the arrows on thread lists to go to new posts or last read posts. Currently in order to change page numbers the next / previous / 1,2,3,4 etc hyperlinks are a little small unless you zoom into the page to hit them.


Junior Administrator
Although this would be awesome I do get a smug pride that I'm now so practised with my various iOS devices that I can get the tiny buttons sans zoom.


Junior Administrator

in other news... I can manage fine on my phone, so a touchpad, which is massively larger must surely be no problem?


Junior Administrator
The thing for me with this is the following problem

You rskin is currently set by your profile. This means your normal profile would get giant buttons. The other options is to have a "mobile" version of THN which automatically loads this skin, but I INHERRENTLY hate sites that force you to use any forms of mobile optimisation. At this point we need an additional perference system to handle mobile device skinning, which I'm not sure is worth the effort. I have to agree with bob and bloke, i have no issue hitting the buttons on either iPhone or iPad, I don't know if this is practise or what..