[slan] Summer Party


In Cryo Sleep
So the StratLAN summer party is in June/July, to which, as far as I know, bob, me and bloke will be going to. I know a couple of others have mentioned interest in coming.

It's in Straford Upon Avon (NOT Newbury), and is a lot smaller event (e.g. there isnt the mFestival stuff there, and about 130 ppl if i recall correctly)

I thought there was already a new thread on this, but I can only find
the original thread (http://games.thehavennet.org.uk/showthread.php?t=16468) so apologies if this is eleswhere. Searching for "stratlan" only returned that thread!

So who else fancies an interim "between i42 and i43" lan then?


Well-Known Member
I was very much considering this, just depends on the timing. *hopefully* the house will be in a done state by then and I can justify leaving it :p


Junior Administrator
I am indeed going and have it off as holiday all sorted. Thought it was going to be an issue but turns out I have a load of holiday I didn't know I had.


Junior Administrator
I'll be going too and I know kalleth will be, also the WFB boys are a strong possibility too :)