So, Game Masters... how about them?


Active Member
To pick up the closed thread about our guild bank robbery from the point it got slightly derailed; how about them GMs? I've had some wonderful experiences with them (i.c. RP discussions about the merits of Basting Vs. Marinating when preparing Gnome) to utterly shite ones (GMs hitting the /script button so hard they actually answered different questions with the same damn macro)

So, what have been your best and worst moments with our lovely folk in Epic Blue?


Well-Known Member
The best would have to be a conversation with an RP GM who was "high on peacebloom", and involved a discussion over the curious slang term "lol" that so many throw around, and if it's possibly a genetic reflex for announcing one's stupidity. The discussion also went on to the viability for Engineers constructing Gnome Launchers...

The worst is still easily one of the GMs I talked to over the Gruul-evade-bug fiasco a long while back, who at first insinuated, then flat-out said that we had been deliberately exploiting/cheating, being very rude about it. This is the GM I mostly complained about to Blizzard outside of the game, and eventually after a lot of back and forth, received a final email apologizing for all that had happened and stated that the relevant GM had been "released" from his position.


Active Member
I'll kick this off then.

The Good

Well, once, during an RP session in the Tavern in Stonard this Troll rouge (his spelling, not mine) showed up, disrupting our RP with the usual "lol U rp noobs" and whatnot. We both politely asked him to stop, pointed out the rules for the realm and after a few bouts of asking politely and warning him told him we would contact a GM.

This was met with lots of laugher, emote spamming and whatnot while we struggled on to continue our RP. When the GM finally contacted me he asked if the interruption was still going on, and we had to tell him "Yes, he is still here."

The GM was friendly, and seemed truly concerned that someone was spoiling our fun. He asked us if we could move (which we couldn't, being in Stonard was part of the plot) and if we had asked him to stop. When we confirmed asking and warning him, the GM said; "Warn him again, and let me watch his response..."

So, I told our rouge friend "Please stop spoiling our RP." to which he replied "stfu RP noob. I can do whatever I want"

Then a blue robe cladded figure appears, a huge Orc in this case. He makes the /shoo emote at our friend... who promptly winks out of excistence. He does the /bow emote at me and my friend, and I get a whisper "He won't bother -anyone- for the next 24 hours. He's banned until then..."


Well-Known Member
Epic win... I haven't seen a GM since before I was on SSL... Quel'thalas was the realm, and it was a report over someone hurling insults in French (yes, I knew the insults he was hurling, isn't that the first part of any language we learn? :P ), and after asking him in English and French to stop, I reported it and a GM turned up (in the old outfits, the ones before the current blue-and-black garb) and asked him in French, English, Spanish and what I can only assume to be Catalonian (a bit like French and Spanish in a blender), and receiving only further abuse, the player vanished rather abruptly.

...I still don't know if he got kicked for being abusive, or for speaking in French! :P


Active Member
I don´t know if that´s a good thing or not, but I never had to deal with GMs in person, other than the usual "bugged quest" ticket response or whatnot. Neither did I see one - so the blue-black garb you´re talking about is but a phantasy to me :)

Nevertheless the story Ashy told was amusing, I wish I were there at that moment :) And I wish I saw the player´s reaction and who he really was even more :)


Junior Administrator
I've only very rarely had to contact a GM... the most obvious one is down to what happened most recently.

The GM I talked to seemed very sympathetic, and asked me the questions he needed to he could get the info he required.

I've never had a bad experience with a GM. Unless they are actually able to see what just happened, then they will never be able to do anything other than report an issue to the devs - ok, some are always going to be better than others, but (and we all know it happens) sometimes you are just having a bad day...

My first experience with a GM was right back in Dun Morogh when I had my first character (a little dwarf warrior) who was level 8 or so at the time - I was having trouble looting and he explained that it was a known bug and was being worked on.

These things take time to fix. The game has grown massively, and you have to remember that although problems can occur, just because you have experienced a problem it doesn't mean its a frequent problem and in alot of cases, there really isn't anything they can do...


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Good things only, on my part.

I've contacted GMs over bugged quests, abusive players and other general matters. I have always received courteous responses. Then again, only a single one of my problems actually required direct intervention in my presence, so I can't say for sure that anything actually happened. But I was appeased, nonetheless.

I guess you can say that those /script macros of theirs work for me...

The one time I did see a GM intervention was when I saw a character on Barrens General chat, called Iamanoob, or something along those lines. I reported this to a GM, and a couple of minutes after a GM replied to me, I saw that same character complaining that "someone had reported his name". I can't assert with certainty that the character was forced to change his name, but I think it's a very high probability that he was.

So, like I said, it's all good from me.



Well-Known Member
I do remember once reporting someone for their name, and then ending up in a Heroic PuG with them... and at the end of the instance, a GM told him he'd have to log after the instance to change his name. He said so in /p and was terribly confused about it, and I couldn't help but laugh a little... they do do their jobs sometimes. But then again, there's a level 19 BG twink using the trademarked name of a Naruto character, who decided that emote-spamming me in Silvermoon would be a good idea, so I reported him for the name offence and the spamming, and he was force-name-changed... so he used the same name again, with one accent, and now the GMs just say "We'll get it sorted", and he just changes an accent each time. Not much effort going in there -_-


Well-Known Member
Here's one that happened today; we were in Heroic Old Hillsbrad, and the NPC "Don Carlos" (for the quest "Nice Hat...") failed to spawn at all. I've seen this happened before, and nobody was saved to the instance before we went in, so it was clearly a bug of some sort. The GM I reported it to told me that someone was saved, in a rather dismissive way. When I told him that that definetely wasn't true, he flat-out told me that either I saw lying or the other members of the group (all Haveners, all friends) were lying, and got a bit rude about it.

Good customer service, huh?


In Cryo Sleep
there's a level 19 BG twink using the trademarked name of a Naruto character,

Would that be Orochimaru? He's the guildmaster of my twinks guild. Didn't know he was that fond of his name. He's actually quite a nice guy, but then again I usually get along with most people :)


Well-Known Member
That's the one, and he was VERY rude to me. And after I reported him, he harassed me from multiple different characters, each time having ignore'd me so I couldn't respond.