so it's come to this


New Member
I've had to delete ALL my games. Even Theme Hospital. My DX is fuxxored, and won't be fixed in the near future. So I won't be playing games with any of you guys in the near future, probably not until Uni, which will be in 09/10.

Tis a sad day :(


Well-Known Member
That sucks so much! I feel so sorry for you Taffy! :(

You'll still be hanging around THN, right?


Junior Administrator
so what exactly is the problem?

Is this the one that can't be resolved because of the "issues" with Windows?

You could easily buy an OEM version of XP for about £50 at the moment... that would allow you to re-install it and get everything sorted properly...


New Member
Unfortunately I can't. It's not my computer, and my parents refuse to buy a real copy, without giving me a reason. Theres a lot of tension in this house at the moment (mainly because I'm throwing my toys out of the pram :D)


Well-Known Member
Well, just tell Microsoft you're using a pirated version and they'll shut it off and hey presto, new PC. :)


New Member
haha, knowing my parents it'll be no PC. They are perfectly happy for me to go without one, they only use it because it's here.