So, just how much IS 115.5 trillion dollars?


Active Member
Ten Thousand Dollars
$10,000 - Enough for a great vacation or to buy a used car.
Approximately one year of work for the average human on earth.

Nice find.... Average.... ?

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Nice find.... Average.... ?

Africa, south america, china, india, central and south east asia.

vs western europe, north america, parts of oceana and the ultra rich.

that's... an utterly inconceivable amount of money...

This is why i'm not sure governmental debt actually matters. - How do you pay that back? What is it ACTUALLY worth?

In commodity terms:

World's largest oilfield: The Ghawar Field in Saudi, estimated at 170 billion barrels of crude

Current Brent Crude spot price ~$117/barrel

That's $1.989x10^13, or ~20 trillion dollars (assuming my maths is correct).

So the US is in debt by almost 6 times the total revenue the world's largest oil field could generate over it's entire life (based on a few estimates). You would need to find 6 ghawar fields today, AND maintain the current price of oil to wipe that debt.

The largest oil field discovered in the last 10 years: Tupi, offshore Brazil: 5-8 billion barrels. (With massively higher production costs due to depth)



New Member
Scumbag thatbloke, claims money is inconceivable after seeing image designed to make it easy to conceive!


I kept jst nodding my head until it got to the 114.5T mark, that's freakin amazing :eek: