So near and yet so far


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)

So 4.0.1 probably hits this Wednesday, which means we fell short of the mark by two bosses, namely one Algalon and one Halion. Pity.

Good effort, though, and thanks for showing out when you did, those that did. :)

In the meantime, we can always take a crack at them between the patch and the expansion... Plenty of time until December 7th...

So, see you on the other side of the shortened talent trees, everyone, and let's see what Cataclysm will bring. :)



Well-Known Member
To be honest, until 4.0.3 comes out and the world itself changes, I don't really feel like we've fallen short of the mark. If we were to go do Algalon/Hallion within a day or two of 4.0.1, then we've managed to not only down a new encounter, but do so having very swiftly learned how to play our revamped (in some cases majorly so) classes and deal with the new interface (and the ensuing breaking of half our mods), among other things.

Regardless, we've downed the end boss of the expansion at least twice now, so I call it a win. Don't get me wrong, though; I DO want to do the remaining two bosses so I know that I've done all the content in the game (save for the last couple of bosses of Naxx40...)