So, who's still here?


Well-Known Member
Basically, sign-ups have been getting sparser lately, which leads me to asking this now rather than waiting for things to slack off even further:

Who has stopped playing, be it briefly or on a more long-term basis?

We've always had a thing of wanting our raiders to say when they're going to not be around for protracted periods of time so we can better plan things, and that holds just as true now as ever. And if you're not saying because you think it'll have backlash, then stop being daft; I've buggered off enough times in the past for various reasons that it'd only be hypocritical if we did that. And if you're not saying because it's Rift, then again, stop being daft and just pipe up. So long as we know that you're going to be here and took the time to actually say as much, then I don't care if you're playing EVE, Rift, Hello Kitty Island Adventure or anything else (except possibly the Sims).

Reason I'm saying this now is that we need to know who's not going to be around and preferably how long for, so we know if we need to make any major adjustments.

Of course, it could just be that the last few weeks have been runs of bad luck with RL events and whatnot, but regardless, consider this a roll call for the absent.


I'm here... More or less anyway.

Thursday for me is an easy night for me to attend, however Friday night is a struggle.

As such I do not wish to get myself locked as a tank on the Thursday night taking the place of someone who is able to be attend both nights.

As i believe this to be unfair.

Thats my reason for being signed as tentative/declined/not all.


Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
I am making best efforts to be around, but at the moment it's incredibly tough; I'm contending with college, extra studies to make up for the lack of depth of the course, and trying to uphold my social life. Normally, I'd be able to at least attend one weekly raid night, but recently, my mother has been diagnosed with some wierd heart condition, which means I am now spending what time I used to online, looking after my siblings.

Hopefully it'll all clear up soon, I really miss being online. I make sure to keep up to date on the THN forums, as well as at least get online to sign up as a no, but currently things are a bit difficult. I too know I've taken breaks from the game without warning on occasion, and if I intended to, I would. :P For now, just consider me as available, but not reliable.


Well-Known Member
I'm around for raiding and my daily heroic. Besides that I'm already getting bored in game. I shall be around for as many raids as poss though, still.


To be honest, a mixture of Rift and this new job has cut into my WoW time recently. Hopefully will be able to convince work to let me skip out earlier Thurs/Fri if i just start early.


Thurs, Fri & Sat I wont be around much. The rest of the week I is here. After 3 years I would like to say I am bored of the game but I am not. Achievement whoring keeps me busy!


New Member
Well, I'm still here with no plans to abandon yet. Occasional RL stuff pops up now and then... but aside from that I'm usually good to go all raid days except Tuesdays.
I think people are over the excitement of the new expansion and off onto other things. Plus winter is heading off soon so more folk will fade as the weather warms up... although it's still bloody freezing at the moment.


New Member
Getting back slowly but cant promis anything because the game has not grapped me back yet.


New Member
Since my schedule at work is pretty much all over the place and me having to do shifts I don't usually do (manager having to run 2 shops and thus need to cover a lot of her shifts) so my online time will be sparse or scattered at best for the next month or so.


In Cryo Sleep
Started a new job this week, and its been pretty knackering, however i'll be on most evenings to catch a heroic and do some dailies, and still be able to attend thurs/fri. If something comes up (job wants me to stay later / other RL happenings) i'll be sure to change my status if I can get in game, or post on here if I can't :)


New Member
still here. my online times may vary in the near future but unless I tell you otherwise, count me in for guild activities.


New Member
I never renewed my subscription, I was bored titless with the game. Never had time to play it and most days i did have time it got to the stage where I didnt wanna waste my time on it. Probably hourmones but expect after my paddys day of drinking and shananigans i might be back


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

I'm here. Slowly working my way up towards raid readiness, and it's taking me a bit of time because of Diana, but I'm sure I'll fall in line soon enough..



New Member
Still here, but dunno for how long. I am losing my interest in the game in a fast rate... But as long as you don't see a post from me saying that I am on a break, I will still be around for raiding and of course monday raiding.

The reason I am losing interest...:
Damn you, League of Legends, DAMN YOU!


New Member
I’m still around, but with the current state of barely being able to pull a single ten man together with main spec's and the lack of attendance I am really losing interest with the game at a rapid pace.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Still alive(tm). Not much on WoW at the moment most days. But working on fixing that.


In Cryo Sleep
Just double checked and my account runs out on the 11th.

Still considering if ill re-activate or not. I have genuinely become bored with the game. I cannot really put my finger on any one specific reason as to why, but i have just lost interest in it almost completely. Even when I'm really enjoying a raid or an instance I find that its still not really holding my interest.

I can see that I am likely not the only one who feels the same about it which is a shame. I really was hoping that we could encourage attendance to the Monday raids and eventually reach 25 mans, but it seem to be going the other way.