SOFII = Double Helix



Does any other THN member have this game??? I'd love to play with some of if you do :p


Soldier Of Fortune 2 was a solid game - lol

rocmod was good I even ended up making my own mod!! :P


Junior Administrator
Gopha said:
Hehe, well I have found the game but I only have disc 2 for it :(

Ah, you must be one of these people like elDiablo who takes a disc out of his system and just whacks it in the nearest case instead of its own case... consequently elDiablo needs to spend a whole day every so often going through nearly every single case he has and then finding a disc to go in the 10 empty cases he still has at the end of the day :D


lol - Yeah I got that sindrom I also only got disc one for the game so I am going out to buy it again - well on internet ?3 - lol bargain ]


In Cryo Sleep
thatbloke said:
Ah, you must be one of these people like elDiablo who takes a disc out of his system and just whacks it in the nearest case instead of its own case... consequently elDiablo needs to spend a whole day every so often going through nearly every single case he has and then finding a disc to go in the 10 empty cases he still has at the end of the day :D
Used to be , but I believe its my sister grrrrrrr,she does it to annoy me