

In Cryo Sleep
Hey, just letting everyone know im sorry.

I know ive been a grumpy idiot lately and ive gotten unnecessarily angry at times and im sorting it out.

Ive just been under a lot of pressure lately with stress and uni work so please dont take it too seriously if I start bein a dick, chances are if I get annoyed at you you dont deserve it.

Hope you can all remember that im normally perfectly nice and will be back to normal soon. Thanks for understanding and sorry again.



Junior Administrator
Hey, just letting everyone know im sorry.

I know ive been a grumpy idiot lately and ive gotten unnecessarily angry at times and im sorting it out.

Ive just been under a lot of pressure lately with stress and uni work so please dont take it too seriously if I start bein a dick, chances are if I get annoyed at you you dont deserve it.

Hope you can all remember that im normally perfectly nice and will be back to normal soon. Thanks for understanding and sorry again.



But in all seriousness... sort your life out! Uni should be taking precedence over anything else at the moment... I've done Uni already and fucked it up quite royally.

Take some time out and get things straightened out.

Just remember that in my opinion cuttong yourself off from all gaming and leisure time completely only makes things worse - you have to have time where you can sit down and do something that you want to do because you want to be doing it... not because you are being forced to because of things like a uni deadline.

[/thatbloke's words of wisdom]


Well-Known Member
I'd like to chip in and say if you're doing Uni/School I really, really wouldn't play WoW. It's too addictive and your education is too important to risk making a mess of it due to a game.


New Member
I set myself a daily 1k word amount minimal during the day, most of which is further research and still have 2 more maps to sort out for my university work. I completely understand the pressures that you and lith are in (mainly because I'm doing the same course, same uni, same deadlines, etc).

I know I tend to be on WoW more than I really should be, but half the time I'm doing a little bit of work at the same time so spend a lot of the time afk.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'd like to chip in and say if you're doing Uni/School I really, really wouldn't play WoW. It's too addictive and your education is too important to risk making a mess of it due to a game.

Just to provide a converse for that (and hopefully not to totally hijack your thread, Chumpo), I think that depends on exactly how you think. Now, at school / Uni, I know I had no idea how I actually went about doing what I do but now I realise that I'm a highly reflective learner and I actually require something else to be doing in order to push a piece of problem-solving or learning into my hind-brain where the real work happens. I then need something that engages most or all of my front-brain without providing me further high-complexity problems to solve. Some games (though more usually shooters) can provide me with that absorbing front-brain activity without any need for further processing.

So while that's not a case for "play WoW, it'll help", it might indicate that, for some people, an absorbing activity in a framework or schedule of "I still need to get X and Y done today before 17:00" could possibly be quite useful.

Conversely to my converse, MMOs often require chunks of time to make themselves useful (e.g. the length of time it takes to complete this mission or instance), where shooters can be picked up and dropped within a few minutes. Once a problem has been solved in my hind-brain, I then need to be able to step away from the play activity and back to work and that can be (much) harder than I'd ideally want (from a work-progress point of view).


In Cryo Sleep
Thanks for the understanding guys

Its not that im struggling work wise or whatever, or that im playing wow too much, ive been doing a good ammount of good quality work, so just to clarify this isnt a post saying im addicted to wow and its having a bad effect on my work or anything, its just a post saying sorry if ive been a dick lately and ive realised.

Ill be back to my old self soon.


But i <3 [really out-of-sorts Chumpo].. Gives me an equal in the guild :)

[mod]Removed expletive -- not respectful. Removed real name -- net handles only, please. --Ronin Storm[/mod]

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Erm, even if the OP used his IRL name in his post?

Yep. Deliberately sticking to net-handles even in the face of real names being used can help reinforce the identity-protection behaviour.

I rather like the technique some use of just signing their first initial when they're posting "as the player". It's a nice personal touch without being revealing.