Source Physic = Theme park?



Re: Source Physic = Them park?

Heh, I really liked those actually! GMod is very clever. Not worth paying for, in my opinion, but still a good laugh.


Well-Known Member
Re: Source Physic = Them park?

How isn't it worth paying for?! It's given me more hours of enjoyment than any other game I've bought! And at a fraction of the price, too.


Re: Source Physic = Them park?

Fair enough. I don't think it's worth paying for (should have made that clearer, sorry) as I get bored of it after a little while, and never make anything good anyway :D I can understand that some people love it, and will pay for it, and that's fine. As you said, if it gives you more hours of enjoyment then other games, it's probably worth it for you :)

Oh, and I like seeing the things that other people make, but I'm not going to buy it just for that, especially when most people YouTube their videos.