So, looks like there's a bit of a blitz on spam registrations at the moment. Maybe 50ish accounts automatically blocked every day, plus another 1-5 manually killed off.
We're getting off lightly if reports are anything to go by. However, worth reminding everyone that if anything gets posted that looks like spam (advertising, links to pr0n/warez/meds, etc) then just use the Report Post feature. That's the triangular warning icon with a red border in the top right of each post.
Reported posts are announced in the (private) Mod forum where we can see and act on them in a coordinated way. Makes it easy for us to track what we need to do in order to keep THN as spam free as possible.
Of course, it goes without saying that replying to spam posts, clicking on the links, or basically interacting with them in any other way isn't helpful. Just report and move on. Much as you guys n gals have already been doing.
Thanks for helping us out!
We're getting off lightly if reports are anything to go by. However, worth reminding everyone that if anything gets posted that looks like spam (advertising, links to pr0n/warez/meds, etc) then just use the Report Post feature. That's the triangular warning icon with a red border in the top right of each post.
Reported posts are announced in the (private) Mod forum where we can see and act on them in a coordinated way. Makes it easy for us to track what we need to do in order to keep THN as spam free as possible.
Of course, it goes without saying that replying to spam posts, clicking on the links, or basically interacting with them in any other way isn't helpful. Just report and move on. Much as you guys n gals have already been doing.
Thanks for helping us out!