Special forces night

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New Member
Does anybody remember the old expansion pack that we all paid £20 ish for?

Does anybody bother with it anymore?

If my memory is correct, it wasnt too bad, but it suffered from half empty servers.

If enough people are interested, lets resurrect this ancient add-on for one night only. (a midweek night)


In Cryo Sleep

I don't like it. It's make me feel bitter and cold but if enough people are playing the it would be rude of me not to join in.



I think most people have it but like most of these add on packs they tend to be forgotton about very quickly as gamers tend to stick to the traditional maps that came with the game to ensure competitiveness in clan matches etc.

The same thing is likely to happen with Euro force add on.

Anyone remember "road to rome" add on pack for BF1942. Absolutely fantastic maps, but try joining a server now that runs these maps.

Multiplayer add on packs simply make a bit of extra cash for the developers. I'm not saying the packs should be given away for free, clearly programmers deserve to get paid. However, the current situation of add on packs for very popular multiplayer games has in my experience NEVER appeared to overtake let alone even catch up with the original "free maps" that come with the game.

I'm not sure there is a solution to this dilema that would benefit both developers and gamers.

I like playing the special forces maps and the Euro forces map and will particpate in an organised event.


New Member
Its a good enough responce so far, then lets give it a go.

I'm wondering...

Do we want to just go on a public on our own, or invite another clan to join us on a public. (TTP or TC spring to mind)
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