

In Cryo Sleep
So I've rolled a paladin for the Haven LX project, but I'm having trouble finalising my specs with only the 51 talent points... I'm taking dual spec ret and holy, heres what I've put together so far.....

Ret - http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#sZZVfbx0Iuhdffsu

Holy - http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#sxA0gM0sVu0tgd

Any pointers or advice would be awesome. However, it would be more helpful not just to say 'you need this talent', but also help to see where those talent points would come from. Cheers :)


Well-Known Member
Ret spec's good, although I'd say to drop one point from Swift Retribution and put it into the last point of Judgements of the Wise; trust me, you'll need it.


In Cryo Sleep
I agree with Lithy. As I said last night in Ulduar, you want 3/3 in JotW or you'll get mana-starved.


Well-Known Member
Gonna be hard enough as it is, without Divine Plea. Arcane Torrent will be a godsend, and you may end up chain-chugging mana pots :p


In Cryo Sleep
Thanks for the feedback, i'll swap that point around :) Just managed to get my first two points into Judgement of the Wise today and instantly saw its benefit, beforehand I had to stop to drink about every 10 mobs....now I think I used about four mana-drinks in about 2 hours of questing :D:p

Any thoughts on the Holy spec?


That's a level 80 spec though, we are only levelling to 60 so there are 20 less talent points to spend. :P