Spot the fake smile


Staff member
I went for eye crinkles as my key but also cheeks play a part.

Good to know a few people are similar.


Active Member
Hmm I went along with how quickly the persons expression changed at the end of the clip. For most of my fake answers the person would go from a smiley back to an expressionless face very quickly.


New Member
I was pretty much yelling 'YOU FAKER!!!' at all the people who turned out to actually be genuine. Just as well the internet doesn't mirror real life or everybody would hate me :D


New Member
You got 16 out of 20 correct

Better then I expected, I really had a hard time trying to pick between genuine or fake!

BTW, this is a very funny test :)


Junior Administrator
By that I assume you mean that its a collection of some of the strangest looking people ever to be found?