Squad List (8/1/06 TC) "this friendly only"

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Ok kiddies, here we go now (woo)
16 players!
8pm Shaqi and Mash!

Command : Gizmo

AL: Sgt-Fury
A: Piacular
A: Taffy
A: Pubic-Warior
A: Twisto

BL: Fi$hy
B: Macca
B: Midgert
B: ThatBloke

CL: Tactical Ninja
C: Nanor

Delta (skanky tanky)
DL: PhatBambi
D: Gopha

Echo (Gunship)
EL: Sgt-Safety (Pilot)
E: Gibson (Gunner)

Sexy Reserves
1R : DocBot
2R : Wraith
2R : Oliver (MIA)


Ok, that's done, all players are expected to be on T.S by 7:30 at the latest. Squad Leaders especially are also expected to have a working copy of ATC downloaded (though it would be good if S members do so also)

Those who havn't played before and those who have, check all your comms are working (Team Speak and VOIP)


Finally, keep this thread spam-free (ish) NO "I love you Fishy, I want your Babies" or "yay, I get to be in Haven's love shack"

Serious comments please.
Alternativly, spam freely in the other threads, or PM me or even join me in T.S for some cyber loving!

Disclaimer: loving may or may not actually involve Fi$hy he may be replaced with a fake (i.e Bambi), also squad makeup might change slightly depending on which map is played (Up to that Giz fella)


In Cryo Sleep
What a lovely squad.

Good luck Fury, I'll be watching :p

"I love you Fishy, I want your Babies"


Well-Known Member
pHatBambi said:
Perfect listing Fi$hmeister.

Although "I wanted to be in Haven's love shack!"


HA! Haven and his thigh slapping goatse goodness is all for me!


SPAM FREE ) LOL - Oh well dont read above, on a more serious NOTE we will need one of our sexy Reserves to step in for me - I am afraid my boss Is a ass (o) so i got to work! I am sorry guys I have pulled out on the calender good luck and I am very jealous and unhappy :P:mad:


Staff member
Heh you always want all the "haven love" for yourself you cheap tart :)


In Cryo Sleep
Im good with tht :D guess im squad leader :P well if Gibson could practice with me in the heli before then it would be good i like to know my gunner :P


Yes that's fine, and as you're the pilot (gibsons a pretty good gunner) then yes, you're going to be the squad leader :p


Junior Administrator
Ok, so for newbs like me, how is this going to work? Are we all expected to use a particular kit? Or is there some flexibility in this? I'm assuming that there is a particular role each squad has and we will have to tailor our kits to that???


New Member
Yeah no problem with my being there.
Can I suggest that the prematch briefing run along the same lines as an 'ED' clan match. This will show what goes on for the many who havent participated before.
I dont have any problems hosting ATC if required.


In Cryo Sleep
Me and bambi have chatted tactics, and because this is a friendly, kits wont be enforced, but in the briefing which will be saturday sometime i will tell you all the recomended kits for each squad, also make sure that you get ATC for bf2, see fi$hys thread on advanced tactical centre to DL it.

Time for the briefing is tbd.

cheers minions ^^


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Gizmo-5 said:
Me and bambi have chatted tactics, and because this is a friendly, kits wont be enforced, but in the briefing which will be saturday sometime i will tell you all the recomended kits for each squad, also make sure that you get ATC for bf2, see fi$hys thread on advanced tactical centre to DL it.

Time for the briefing is tbd.

cheers minions ^^

Briefing on Saturday??!?!!?!? :eek: Hope you meant Sunday before the match?


Junior Administrator
SgtFury said:
Briefing on Saturday??!?!!?!? :eek: Hope you meant Sunday before the match?

me2!!! As i won't be around most of the day saturday and I most likely won't be around for most of the daytime sunday either :D


Ok briefing's at 7:20 ish, and yes we'll be tailoring our squads "cough" I'll be bullying Bravo "cough"


Active Member
Make sure you don't give Piacular any admin rights on ATC unles you want to see his "art".

Disclaimer: The word art is used in the loosest possible sense of the word and is in no way intended to give the impression that there is anything even remotely artistic about the childish scribbles of the aforementioned individual. :p

Also, you didn't confirm whether the briefing is on Saturday at 7:20 or Sunday at 7:20. (Not that it matters to me as I'm not playing;) )

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