Star Wars: Empires at War

Ronin Storm

Staff member
What? Another Star Wars franchise game? Can it be?

I've been keeping an eye on this one for many months. Its design concept really boasts two main threads of interest:

  • Ground and space combat.
  • Tactical maps and strategy maps, both in a real time setting.

Their screenshots also look rather pretty, too...

So, another demo played, another quick review:

The Good

Base building and troop building is all done at the strategic view level. Basically, you capture planets and build stuff on them and use that stuff to build troops to capture more planets. All that stuff is done at the strategic/galactic view. This means that when you get into the fighting bit of the game you're not constantly playing the same base-build-rush combo again and again just to get to the interesting bits of the battles.

Combat, on the other hand, is handled through troops on the map and reinforcements that can be brought down. The game appears to pivot around bases, that are generated for you according to the resources you already have in place, and reinforcement points that grant you the rights to bring in your reinforcements. The more reinforcement points you own the more reinforcements you can bring to bear. Generally this means that a defender starts with an advantage as the attacker has to fight to gain a foothold, which feels right to me.

In some battles, the locals may join in on one side or the other. Playing rebels, it's nice to see the local people taking up arms to help you out. It's kind of a shame when these puny people are eviscerated by turbo-laser turrets.

Armour feels like armour, not just some unit reskinned. This means that AT-ATs and AT-STs can stomp troops and so you need to bring anti-tank stuff to bear to take them out.

There are wandering mobs that are dangerous to all sides. I fought on Tatooine and a Rancor came in and started random eating my mobs and smashing my light tanks. Oh my god. They're bloody hard to kill too!

Weather is a factor. Sandstorms on Tatooine might reduce the effectiveness of rockets, for example. Tornadoes might wreak havoc with your defences.

Battles in space look cool, especially if you take a moment to view them in cinematic mode where it does fly-bys and gun-cam shots of this and that. Starbases explode in parts. You really can target the shield generators.

Units do seem to have a different feel and functionality to them. Speeder bikes can use a sneak "thermal detonator" attack, where they scream in, drop a bomb, then scream off again and laugh as it explodes. AT-ATs just lay hell into everything. Hell, if you've got bombers in orbit you can call in airstrikes now and then. Of course, shield generators become primary targets...

The Bad

Ultimately, battles in space are just ground battles with different units and capabilities. Sure, they're more epic as the units are tougher and lasers look cool against a dark backdrop, but the lack of a 3rd dimension to them does beggar "space" somewhat.

The demo mission seems designed to be bloody hard. I've got my troops to Tatooine but I can't destroy the base because I run out of reinforcements well before I get there. Their turbo-laser towers are murderous, and the AT-ATs mincemeat my light tanks. I have their torpedo launchers as artillery, but they're a bit random and very vulnerable. So I have a lot of troops... did I say they've got AT-ATs?

The Ugly

The game looks pretty. Unfortunately, to make it look that pretty my map scroll speed falls off radically, and doubly so when the game gets going. I haven't played with my settings yet, but I'm running a 6800GT and it is lagging on 1240x1024 with 2x AA and high detail textures.

In Summary

I quite like this one, but the performance thing needs to be sorted. The maps feel a little cramped to be playing on low res...

The separation of strategy/base-building from tactical combat is refreshing and keeps the pace up in battles. This can leave you with unwinnable battles. They do account for this in providing a retreat option (that takes time to execute) but I could imagine that this becomes a rolling problem as a superior force gets more resources to become more superior...

I'll leave this one for a bit and take another look when it comes out.


I've spotted this game as well and I am certainly going to buy it when it's released. The 2D space battles does sound a little disappointing, but I guess some people find it difficult to "think and see in 3D" so I guess they are maybe trying to appeal to a wider audience by simplifying things a bit.

I tend not to play demos of games I am interested in as there are always issues that they haven't quite sorted yet (and I am always afraid I will be put off the game) such as the frame rate loss you have indicated Ronin.

So lets wait and see!


Yeh i no what u meen Ronin, i have a Gainward 6800GT Ultra 256meg and i get slowdown even on 1024x ... i have 2 gig of ram and a 3.8 overclocked P4 processor... so natually i have put the slowdown to either;

1. Game has bad coding like battlefield 2 does.... wait for a patch

2. Or blame it on the 6800's inability to run AA... any game i run it with AA, it lags... and thats only at x2!!

Hmmm... game wise i enjoy the space fights, seems like a good step in the right direction with more tactics like taking out the enemy ships shields etc etc

If i was going to rate the game from what i have seen and played in the demo.. i would say 7/10



HotStuff said:
The 2D space battles does sound a little disappointing

The space battles are not 2D??? The strat screen where u build ur units is kinda 2D but the actual fighting is 3D??

Try zoming in a bit and u can see they are 3D.. or am i being a total noob??

Anyway... haha how strange



Junior Administrator
Just a quick thing about the performance issues: though I have not tried this demo myself yet, remember that IT IS ONLY A DEMO and any issues are likely to be fixed before a final release...


Junior Administrator
Or blame it on the 6800's inability to run AA... any game i run it with AA, it lags... and thats only at x2!!

I'd disagree with that point - I've got the most cut-down 6800 you can get (fair enough, I modified it to make it better again) and when running in 2x or 4x antialiasing there is no problem with frame rates in any of the games I play.

If you are suffering from slow performance when antialiasing is turned on, there's some things you can and should do:
1) Bear in mind that antialiasing is a memory bandwidth-intensive process - any card which has a poor memory bandwidth can expect to get a performance drop slapped on it there and then.
2) With this in mind, check two things: the speed of RAM in your main system and graphics card, and check the effective memory bandwidth of both too.

However, simply asking developers to make their game faster is not a solution to a problem. While there may be poor coding in places, chances are that most of the game has been coded in a way that gives optimal performance - remember that developers want people to be able to play the games! The 6800 is over 18 months old now, and just because you can't play every game in your collection at 1280x1024 or higher any more doesn't mean a game is poorly coded. Technology moves on, drivers need tweaked, and your system gets clogged up with useless junk sitting on the system process and slows the whole thing down.


In Cryo Sleep
TacticalNinja said:
The space battles are not 2D??? The strat screen where u build ur units is kinda 2D but the actual fighting is 3D??

Try zoming in a bit and u can see they are 3D.. or am i being a total noob??

Anyway... haha how strange


Lol, you are being a noob :p. Ronin was refering to the fact that the space battles only happen in 2D, unlike say Homeworld which has a full 3D of control. (You guys should play Prince of Persia, that's got a whooping 4 dimensions of control! :))

The demo runs perfectly at full settings on my comp (ATI x800 Sapphire Pro, whatever that means :/, P4 2.8 and 1gigawhatsit of RAM).

It's a bit easy on Medium, I didn't save once and was fine :eek:. I did however have to assault Tat twice, my god that AT-AT is rock :).


In Cryo Sleep
I just played galactic conquest and it is bloody hard. The first part where you take the asteriods is pretty easy but Tatooine..............:eek: lol


In Cryo Sleep
The cinematic option is naff!

It's never looking at the action (mostly just my infantry's bottom), and how am I supposed to control my peeps from that angle!