Starcraft 2 beta


In Cryo Sleep
Just got a key for it this morning. Is anyone else here in it? If so, what's your opinion?

For those interested, the dutch gaming magazine/site Power Unlimited is tossing around loads of beta keys, both in articles on their site and in Twitter posts by several of their writers. All of them are first come, first served.


Active Member
I wanted to get my hands on that, but never got the key :( Tried the site you mentioned despite not speaking Dutch, even found the post and entered the only key that was to be found on it into my, but it has obviously been claimed already, so thats a no go. Will look into it more when I get home, but I would defo like to play some SC2, yes.


In Cryo Sleep
There's at least one key pasted somewhere into each of the articles on the site. However, people generally enter them quite quickly. Your best bet would probably be to stalk the relevant twitter people.


Active Member
Ah yes, one code per article, I see. Well then, might see about those twitteroonies then :) Either way, gratz and enjoy the voice cast, it´s quite brilliant :)


In Cryo Sleep
Another dutch site, Gamekings, has just started as well. Twitter feeds to follow are:

GKMartin, WouterBrugge, Power_Unlimited, maartenblonk


Active Member
[strike]I've preordered a Collector's Edition from Gamestop so should hopefully be getting a beta key for it soon[/strike]. . . .

Scratch that, I have a key now and am currently patching the beta to playable level so I can play in the afternoon. :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
i've had the beta for a while

personally i rather like it, though i have only played Protos. The balance is starting to feel quite tight, however i want my imbah Void Rays back :p


Active Member
Also, for those who haven't been checking religiously and have the Collector's Edition of Starcraft 2 for sale now!


For those who don't have a beta key, you can do something sneaky like Xar did. Pre-order from Game, get key, cancel pre-order, not spend a penny as Game only charge your card when they ship you the game.

Details on


Active Member
Hey! I got my key from Iro fair and square. :p

Though interestingly enough I cancelled my order from Gamestop yesterday *then* they sent me an e-mail with another beta key. . . .


Hey! I got my key from Iro fair and square. :p

Though interestingly enough I cancelled my order from Gamestop yesterday *then* they sent me an e-mail with another beta key. . . .

I'll love you forever if i can have the 2nd? :P


Active Member
I've already given away my 2nd key to someone, hehe, I'll see what I can do about getting you a key though. ;3

Don't forget that if you pre-order from Game after the 5th of May you can get a key.


Active Member
I has it, name's Angelic.thnangelic. Being clobbered (read=rushed) in Novice matches -.-


I'll never understand how do people get so much ahead of me so fast.

Remake an account over and over again till they learn to rush. :( I'm a researcher / Defender meself, so i take time building an army. ._.


Super Moderator
Staff member
it's all about resources early on. i might be on for a little while tonight so if you want some replays with my early tactics give me a shout for a couple of games :)