Starcraft versus Dawn of War


In Cryo Sleep
Re: Dawn of War

Omg, is that the Dahaka come to eradicate us all!?!?!?

You scummy DOW'ers will have to compete with my Starcraft event!

And Starcraft is a much better game, muhahahahahaha!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: Dawn of War

Piacular said:
And Starcraft is a much better game, muhahahahahaha!

I disagree. DoW presents a more sophisticated design and, I feel, is a more newbie-friendly skirmish game.

DoW, for example, shows four distinct phases of gameplay within the space of a standard 30-40 minute skirmish, and these phases are marked by the type of strategy that is viable -- early rush, troop battles, armour battles, then end game battles. Starcraft presents a simpler three phase model, as armour and troops are not clearly delineated.

DoW is also more accessible to newer players as it rarely presents a paper-scissor-stone battle ethic, so it's much less likely that you end up building totally the wrong troop types for your skirmish -- e.g. I build a bunch of siege tanks and you kill them all off with guardians, because siege tanks can't attack flying things. You can be too slow into the next phase of the game, for certain (e.g. fighting tanks with troops...) but troops can kill tanks and can even be specialised to make them more effective for the armour game phase.

I don't argue that Starcraft is a bad game, but I feel it is now quite aged and DoW shows another decade of RTS design working from the successes of games such as Starcraft.

DoW's key weakness, in my opinion, is the lack of teams-with-shared-bases, as one can do with much earlier games such as Age of Empires II or Starcraft. It's something of an oversight that could have been easily included.


In Cryo Sleep
Re: Dawn of War

DOW is VERY unforgiving. The troop limits make winning a near impossibility if you lose a team mate. This is the games downfall in my mind. I can be ten times better then three opposition but there is no way I can beat them because I simply cannot field as many troops as them overall.

Big issue when you start getting good and try playing on public without a decent teamate.

Otherwise I think it rocks.

Although to be honest they don't have Zerglings. When I get my new HD sorted then I'll reinstall this and come play.




In Cryo Sleep
Re: Dawn of War

Ronin Storm said:
DoW is also more accessible to newer players as it rarely presents a paper-scissor-stone battle ethic, so it's much less likely that you end up building totally the wrong troop types for your skirmish -- e.g. I build a bunch of siege tanks and you kill them all off with guardians, because siege tanks can't attack flying things. You can be too slow into the next phase of the game, for certain (e.g. fighting tanks with troops...) but troops can kill tanks and can even be specialised to make them more effective for the armour game phase.

Lol, so it doesn't matter what units you build in DoW? Doesn't sound very tactical to me! I found DoW to be rather shallow and all about Marines, being an Eldar fan I was immensely disappointed :(

Starcraft has many different styles of play, where DoW is all about rushing! There are no more diverse races than in the Starcraft universe, each with their own unique style:

Zerg = lots of weak units
Marines = several average units
Protoss = few uber units

The perfect contrast!

There are more unit types in Starcraft yeilding interesting combinations, not just within one race but (during team games) across all races! Also the lack of unlimited resources leads to a tense game all about positioning :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: Dawn of War

Piacular said:
Lol, so it doesn't matter what units you build in DoW?

Not really what I was saying. You have tactical diversity in DoW that is not available in Starcraft -- you can create all aspects of the paper-scissors-stone triangle if you have the resources and the time, but you rarely have either. For example, while Space Marines are a fairly diverse unit and can be turned to many angles, they tend to be marmalised in close combat -- equip them with flamers and their close combat effectiveness improves.

Piacular said:
Starcraft has many different styles of play, where DoW is all about rushing!

Six zergling rush. Probably the most brutal tactic to expose a new Starcraft player to.

DoW allows you two different play mechanisms that aren't available to you in Starcraft or other games of its ilk. Starcraft gives you "fire and forget" -- target your units when you need them and build like there's no tomorrow. Sure, you can do that in DoW too, but the inclusion of morale and reinforcements-at-the-squad means that a smaller, better managed force can overwhelm and destroy a larger, zerged force.

Piacular said:
Also the lack of unlimited resources leads to a tense game all about positioning

I find that same aspect leads to resource rushing and, ultimately, early base rush. Sub-optimal resource acquisition weeds the pros out from the casual players, and the attackers out from the defenders. In my experience, Starcraft is all about attacking fast, early and brutally -- defensive strategies, from what I've seen, universally lead to a loss. In DoW, notably with the Winter War expansion, booming is more of an option (the Imperial Guard show tendencies to late game boom).

I understand where you are coming from as regards the Eldar as while they have interesting options they aren't as unique as I might have hoped. However, I do believe that DoW presents considerable variety and extends that variety in unit specialisations through heavy weapons and specific upgrades. Space Marines have advantages at range, Chaos Marines up close, Orks in numbers and Eldar in teleporting. Space Marines play a very standard RTS, Orks fundamentally rely on building up their Waaaarrrrrrr! power, Eldar rely on mobility and surgical methods -- not very familiar with Chaos but, as an opponent, they feel like a Marine/Ork/Eldar cross.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: Dawn of War

pHatBambi said:
The troop limits make winning a near impossibility if you lose a team mate.

Fair point. I play a lot of two player coop with DoW, so if one of us is out then the other one calls it quits too. Starcraft focuses on resources and production, all other factors being even, and a skilled player can make up for team losses by superior resource acquisition.

However, smaller, better controlled, morale-breaking units still have a substantial advantage over mobs. Starcraft is played at its most optimal through waypoints and build queues. DoW, on the other hand, benefits from hands-on control for a squad or group of squads to provide reinforcements and special powers.

pHatBambi said:
Although to be honest they don't have Zerglings.

Chaos Marines get those pink horrors later in the game... not quite Zerglings, I admit, but along the same lines. :)


Staff member
Re: Dawn of War

I used to play it quite a lot, 97 or 98? sometime. I usually owned them with a protoss rush. Once you have a line of zealots constantly feeding to their base you can focus on the protoss' real strength - air superiority (at least it was, then) ... never got into the expansions though. Still I maintain that the best mp strategy game is cossacks. Never tried the newest one, unfortunately. But the old one was absolutely brilliant. It's balanced so that there isn't really _one_ great tactic, rather quite a few good ones ;) still, it's a lot about speed, as in all resource based games...

edit: argh, the DoW and starcraft threads are all mixed up! bah.


In Cryo Sleep
Re: Dawn of War

Wow RoninStorm , I couldnt have typed it better :)

Eldar is all about hit and run tactics they are the socalled specialist race .Harass the enemy , run , harass.

I haven't played it on the internet still for some reason but im going to try it one day with or without you :p

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: Dawn of War

[mod]Split this conversation off into its own thread as it's now insanely mixed up and is really about both Starcraft and DoW.[/mod]


In Cryo Sleep
Re: Dawn of War

Bah, you're right :eek:

Bambi and I have been playing it on the 'net recently and found it is all about the rush :(

Games that only last 5 minutes are no fun!

Still if you declare peace for the first 5 minutes it can turn into an excellent epic struggle with skirmishes all over the map.

DocBot said:
I usually owned them with a protoss rush.

Aye, I'm a big fan of the Protoss. Two Reavers in a shuttle zipped in through a chink in their base defense can cause all sorts of amusing problems :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: Dawn of War

Piacular said:
Games that only last 5 minutes are no fun!

Oh so true. :P

Sidestepping slightly, the rush prevention rules and mechanisms available in Rise of Nations were really good for that. That said, I've never played RoN against humans.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Pubic_Warior said:
space marines or imperial guard are the best!!!!!!

Try the Orks in multiplayer. Once they get rolling they're a real danger and their close combat troopers can cut Space Marine squads into shreds. Takes the Assault Marine squads to hold them at bay, or overwhelming firepower (and if you've got that then there wasn't going to be much of a problem either way... ;) ).


In Cryo Sleep
Re: Dawn of War

Ronin Storm said:
Sidestepping slightly, the rush prevention rules and mechanisms available in Rise of Nations were really good for that. That said, I've never played RoN against humans.

How could I have forgotten about RoN! Having played almost every RTS I can get my hands on (including scummy Earth 2150), Rise of Nations stands out as one of the best. Though I always got the impression it was slightly underrated by everyone esle :eek:.

The different costumes of each nation look awesome, especially early on. I've never played it on the 'net (maybe there's an Event in there somewhere ;) ), but I have played it a few times over a network. We tended to limit it to the enlightenment age and keep the combat Sharpe like :). That was great fun, lines of musket men blowing the bejesus out of each other, retaliatory cavalry charges met by fusiliers muhahahaha, happy days :D


Staff member
Re: Dawn of War

Rise of Nations is one of the only modern strategy games I enjoy :D

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Rise of Nations

We tended to limit it to the enlightenment age and keep the combat Sharpe like

Me too! I don't appreciate the shift into the more modern ages with the introduction of aircraft and oil -- I'm sure that's there deliberately to shake up the flow of the game, but it always jars my experience.


In Cryo Sleep
Yeah used to play ron and thrones on lan with my dad and my brother it was one of the best games and we kept our age in enlightement too for fun , because nukes and that shit is just lame :/

Anyways back to dawn of war :) I read recently that Dawn of war has been added to the games list to be played on World Cyber Games which proves it is as good as starcraft (even better!!)


Active Member
I have Read "most" of this thread, and i'll add my conclusions.
Starcraft is the first game i ever played online, and the first decent one i played. I bought it when broodwar was released, and have had much fun with it over the years(i even have an ancient acc), however over times i have passed through periods when i was good and mostly when i was bad, it has an awsome editor, and is quite amazing when you see what the advanced editors can do that works fine online in battlenet, and was yet never used in the retail game. I bought DOW last(hmmm, well a year ago anyway.) christmas, played it for a few weeks decided it was nothing like warhammer 40k, and very unbalanced, I have been into warhammer for a long time and have collected 6000 points(this only means anything to people who know about warhammer) of 40k, and i didnt think it had enough likeness too the game, i should probably give it a another chance, as over the last 4 months i have only been into the fiction.

I think that starcraft is much much(this much is for that awsome thing "" :P) better than Dow, and well having played warhammer 40k for so long i just dont like it, the gameplay and some of the stuff units can do is what i mainly dissagree with... playing around with it is fun, but seriosu gameplay sucks.

Rise of nations is one i like too :)


Well I have to disagree with you Ronin. I don't know DoW and I'm not planning on saying anything about that game but your not giving starcraft enough credit.

First of all every unit in Starcraft is good. Thats very unique for a strategy game. Starcraft was the first to be able to pull that off. Also the first who created 3 different races with almost perfect balance and different play styles.

But as you say, the game is outdated and I believe you in that. Starcraft is probably not a topgame anymore but it still holds its own with the newer strategy games.

About the lings rush. Starcraft has so many different strategy, one more popular than another, but still enough variety. A ling rush is easilly killed, especially if you have some micro skills. The reason why newbes are so brutally defeated in this game is because every strcraft player is a veteran. There are hardly any casual gamers because its soo old.

Starcraft is THE game about micro. What less skilled players don't realise is that every unit counts. If you look at pro gamers you can see that they try to keep every unit alive and get the most out of them. The early battles are generally fought with just a few units. Late game massing to the unit limit is almost never seen.

I'm glad that starcraft has little defensive strategies. Of course you can build up defense and with units backup it will function well. But I like to fight constantly and fiercely. Starcraft is not about early rushes but about constantly fighting and trying to gain superior map control.

All in all starcraft is outdated but was groundbraking for its time and that should never be forgotten.