Re: Dawn of War
Piacular said:
Lol, so it doesn't matter what units you build in DoW?
Not really what I was saying. You have tactical diversity in DoW that is not available in Starcraft -- you can create all aspects of the paper-scissors-stone triangle if you have the resources and the time, but you rarely have either. For example, while Space Marines are a fairly diverse unit and can be turned to many angles, they tend to be marmalised in close combat -- equip them with flamers and their close combat effectiveness improves.
Piacular said:
Starcraft has many different styles of play, where DoW is all about rushing!
Six zergling rush. Probably the most brutal tactic to expose a new Starcraft player to.
DoW allows you two different play mechanisms that aren't available to you in Starcraft or other games of its ilk. Starcraft gives you "fire and forget" -- target your units when you need them and build like there's no tomorrow. Sure, you can do that in DoW too, but the inclusion of morale and reinforcements-at-the-squad means that a smaller, better managed force can overwhelm and destroy a larger, zerged force.
Piacular said:
Also the lack of unlimited resources leads to a tense game all about positioning
I find that same aspect leads to resource rushing and, ultimately, early base rush. Sub-optimal resource acquisition weeds the pros out from the casual players, and the attackers out from the defenders. In my experience, Starcraft is all about attacking fast, early and brutally -- defensive strategies, from what I've seen, universally lead to a loss. In DoW, notably with the Winter War expansion, booming is more of an option (the Imperial Guard show tendencies to late game boom).
I understand where you are coming from as regards the Eldar as while they have interesting options they aren't as unique as I might have hoped. However, I do believe that DoW presents considerable variety and extends that variety in unit specialisations through heavy weapons and specific upgrades. Space Marines have advantages at range, Chaos Marines up close, Orks in numbers and Eldar in teleporting. Space Marines play a very standard RTS, Orks fundamentally rely on building up their Waaaarrrrrrr! power, Eldar rely on mobility and surgical methods -- not very familiar with Chaos but, as an opponent, they feel like a Marine/Ork/Eldar cross.